This is an archived webpage. For current information about the IETF administrative arrangements, see the IETF Administration LLC website.

Remote Participation

The IAOC is committed to pursuing Remote Participation services solutions to more fully integrate remote participants into the IETF Meeting sessions and the attendees.   Meetecho is being used to achieve this integration and has been in use since IETF 80

Meetecho (Video)

Meetecho offers a synchronized view of the official jabber room, the current slides being presented, an audio stream and a video feed. All sessions (including tutorials) will be supported by Meetecho. You must use your IETF registration ID to login to the Meetecho sessions.

Meetecho can also support remote presentations, although that must be arranged in advance by filling out this form. 

For additional informaiton about Meetecho, please see the Meetecho @ IETF99 page.

Meeting Agenda

The official meeting agenda will be available at:

You can access session materials (agendas, presentations, etc.) from the online agenda. In addition, you can use the agenda to join the session audio stream, video (Meetecho) and jabber room.

Meeting Archive

Beginning with IETF 92 IETF meeting sessions can be found on the IETF YouTube Channel grouped by meeting:

Search for individual sessions:  IETFnn-WGname-YYYYMMDD-HHMM

     Last Updated 28 August 2018