IAOC Administrative Procedures 5-27-10
The IAOC shall hold at least ten meetings each calendar year, as face to face meetings, as teleconferences at which all participants can speak and hear each other, or as a combination.
Notice of the place and time of each regular meeting of the IAOC shall be provided to each member by email at least ten days before the date of the meeting.
Special meetings of the IAOC may be called at any time by the Chair, or by a majority of the members of the IAOC then in office. Special meetings shall be held at such place or places as may be designated in the notice for the meeting.
The IAOC shall select one member to serve as the Chair.
Members eligible to serve as Chair are the NomCom, IESG and IAB appointees to the IAOC, which does not include the IETF and IAB Chairs.
The term of the Chair shall be one year from the time of selection or the remaining time of his or her tenure, whichever is less. An individual may serve any number of terms as Chair, if selected by the IAOC members.
The Chair serves at the pleasure of the IAOC and may be removed from that position at any time by a two-thirds vote of the IAOC, not counting the IAOC chair, at a meeting or Special Meeting at which such action was in the notice of the meeting.
The Chair shall (i) have the authority to manage the activities of the IAOC and (ii) convene and preside over meetings of the IAOC, but shall have no other powers or authority beyond his or her powers as an IAOC member. If the Chair is not available, then any other voting member may convene or preside over meetings of the IAOC in the absence of the Chair.
A quorum for a meeting of the IAOC shall be a majority of the IAOC then in office. All decisions of the members must be approved by majority vote of the members then in office.
Except for removal of the Chair, any action of the IAOC may be taken by e-vote upon the request of the Chair, or by consensus of the members.
Actions of the IAOC, whether taken at a meeting or by e-vote, shall be duly recorded in minutes and retained in the IAOC's records.
The IAOC shall from time to time appoint a Secretary, who shall record and publish minutes of the meetings.
The IAOC shall from time to time appoint a Legal Counsel to the IAOC.
The IETF Administrative Director is authorized to execute decisions of the IAOC on behalf of the IAOC.
The IAOC voting members shall not receive any compensation for their services as IAOC members from the IASA, ISOC, or IETF. Expenses for voting members of the IAOC may be reimbursed upon approval of the IAOC Chair, or by a consensus of the IAOC, for exceptional cases only.
The IAOC shall be guided by RFC 4071, as amended and supplemented.
Members shall at all times act in a disinterested manner and consider only the benefit to the IETF standards process and community as a whole in discussions and decisions. The Members shall promptly disclose any material conflict of interest and recuse themselves from related decisions.
These procedures may be amended by a motion passed by a meeting of the IAOC. Substantive amendments will be posted in advance for a two week period for comments from the IETF community.