IAOC Administrative Procedures
The IAOC was created by RFC 4071, which provides
specific guidance for its role and operation. RFC 4071 was updated
by RFC 7691 and, together, they make up BCP 101. These Administrative Procedures specify
how the IAOC operates in adherence to the requirements in RFCs 4071 and 7691.
1. Meetings and Notice
1.1 Regular
IAOC meetings: The IAOC holds a regular meeting during each regular IETF
meeting during a calendar year.
Additional regular meetings are held as needed, which usually includes
monthly teleconferences. A regular meeting has proper notice, minutes that are
posted, and may be held face-to-face, via teleconference, or as a combination
of the two.
1.2 Open
office hours: The IAOC holds open office hours during each IETF meeting. Unless the
IESG, as part of its scheduling function, determines otherwise, the IAOC also
participates in an open plenary at these meetings. The IAOC will publish any relevant
materials on its web site and may include them in the proceedings of an IETF
meeting and/or send them to the IETF mailing list.
1.3 Meeting
notice: Notice of the time of
teleconference meetings of the IAOC shall be provided to each IAOC member at
least 10 days before the meeting. Time and location of face-to-face meetings
will be announced 30 days before the meeting. Notice of all meetings will be
distributed to the IAOC members and posted on the IAOC web site. Meetings may be rescheduled with the
consent of all IAOC members.
Special IAOC
meetings: If an urgent matter arises, a special meeting may be proposed at any
time by the chair or by a majority of voting members of the IAOC. If such a
request is made, the IAD and/or the Chair will contact the members by phone or
email to agree on the earliest possible date. All IAOC current members must agree to
such a special meeting if it is held without notice as provided in section 1.3.
1.5 Minutes
of IAOC meetings: Draft minutes of IAOC meetings, including special and ad hoc
meetings, shall be prepared in time for review and discussion on the IAOC
mailing list such that they can be approved during next IAOC regular
meeting. Minutes must be made available to the IETF community
within five weeks after the meeting that they describe is held. If it is not possible to post approved
minutes within that time, preliminary minutes must be posted and appropriately
identified. Information judged to be confidential by
the IAOC (e.g., salaries) shall not be included in the
published minutes.
2. Members
2.1 IAOC
Members: Regular IAOC Members consist of two members appointed by the IETF
Nominations Committee, one member appointed by the IAB, one member appointed by
the IESG and one member appointed by the Internet Society Board of Trustees.
Ex-officio IAOC Members consist of the IETF and IAB Chairs, the Internet
Society CEO, and the IAD. All IAOC Members are Voting Members except for the
IAD. Regular IAOC Members, with the
exception of the IAOC member appointed by the Internet Society Board, are
eligible to serve as the IAOC Chair.
2.2 Member Terms: The
terms of individual Regular IAOC Members begin or end at the start of the IAOC
meeting held during the first IETF meeting of the year in which each term was
designated by the appointing body to begin or end unless the appointing body
determines a different start or end date and time. Terms of the ex-officio IAOC Members are
coincident with their having the roles that qualified them to be IAOC Members.
3. Chair
3.1 Chair
selection: A temporary chair shall
be selected to open the IAOC meeting held during the first IETF meeting of the
year. The temporary chair shall
be one of the Voting Members of the IAOC that is not eligible to serve as the
IAOC Chair (see section 2.1) and shall be selected by approval of a majority of
the members of the new IAOC. The first order of business in the
meeting shall be a call for nominations for IAOC Chair. After whatever
discussion the IAOC feels is needed, the IAOC elects a Chair by a majority
vote. Voting is repeated, if
needed, until a chair is elected.
Once elected, the Chair assumes management of the meeting.
3.2 Acting Chair: If
the Chair is not available then the IETF Trust Chair shall act as Chair to
manage the activities and meetings of the IAOC. If neither the IAOC Chair nor
the IETF Trust Chair are available, then any member
who is eligible to serve as Chair may convene or preside over meetings of the
IAOC upon his or her selection by the available voting members of the IAOC.
3.3 Removal
of the Chair: The IAOC Chair may be removed by 2/3 vote of the current voting
IAOC members at any IAOC Meeting for which such action was included in the
notice of the meeting.
4. Decision
4.1 Quorum: A quorum for a meeting of the IAOC shall
be a majority of the current voting IAOC members. Except for removal of the
Chair, all decisions of the members must be approved by majority vote of the
current IAOC members.
4.2 E-votes: Except for removal of the Chair, any
action of the IAOC may be taken by electronic means upon the request of the
Chair, a committee chair or by consensus of the members. Any member can veto an
electronic vote if he or she wants the motion to be deferred to a regular
meeting of the IAOC. Actions of the IAOC taken by electronic means shall be
duly recorded in the minutes of the next regular IAOC meeting.
5. Appointments:
5.1 Secretary: The IAOC may from time to time appoint a
Secretary to assist in the recording and publication of the minutes of IAOC
meetings. The Secretary shall serve
at the pleasure of the IAOC.
5.2 Legal Counsel:
The IAOC may from time to time appoint a Legal Counsel to advise the IAOC. The
Legal Counsel shall serve at the pleasure of the IAOC.
6. Compensation and Expenses
6.1 Expenses
for members of the IAOC for their IAOC-related services may be reimbursed upon
approval of the IAOC Chair, or by a consensus of the IAOC, but only in
exceptional cases. The details of any such reimbursement shall be reported in
the minutes of the next regular IAOC meeting.
7 Conflicts
of Interest.
7.1 Disclosure
and recusal: IAOC members shall
promptly disclose any material conflict of interest of which they are aware or,
because of the other roles the individual holds,
would reasonably be expected to know of, and shall recuse themselves
from discussions and decisions where such conflict is present
8. Amendments
8.1 Community
review: These procedures may be
amended by the IAOC. Proposed amendments will be posted in advance for at least
a two-week period for comments from the IETF community.
1.1 -
RFC 4071 Section 3.2, RFC 7691 Section 2.1 and Section 2.3 paragraph 2
1.2 -
RFC 4071 Section 4, paragraph 10
1.5 -
RFC 7691 Section 3.4, paragraph 3
2.2 -
RFC 7691 Section 2.3 paragraph 1
3.1 & 3.2 - RFC 4071 Section 4,
paragraphs 5 & 7, RFC 7691 Section 2.2
3.3 -
RFC 4071 Section 4 paragraph 6
4 & 7 -
RFC 4071 Section 3.4
6 -
RFC 4071 Section 4, paragraphs 13 & 14