December 20, 2004

IASA Call 12:00 Noon EST December 20, 2004.

Participants :

Leslie Daigle
Harald Alvestrand
Steve Crocker
Lucy Lynch
Lynn St. Amour
Marshall Eubanks [scribe].

Regrets :

Kurtis Lindqvist

Agenda :

IAD Hiring Process

The status of the BCP

CNRI proposal for sole sourcing the secretariat function

New Business

IAD Hiring Process

Lucy Lynch raised the possibility of outsourcing the hiring for
the IAD position, in the grounds that someone needs to
be found quickly, or the position would have to be delegated.

Lynn St. Amour made the point that finding and engaging a search
firm would take time. There was discussion of the costs and logistics of engaging a professional search firm. The Committee, based
on members' experiences elsewhere, concluded that it is reasonable to
expect that outsourcing the IAD hiring would cost on the order of
$ 100,000 US, and add 3 to 6 months to the process.

Leslie Daigle suggested hiring an interim IAD, on a one year basis.
Upon discussion, the consensus was that this was unlikely to result
in a suitable person (as they would not want a one year appointment),
and could cause problems with the strategic direction of the IASA, as
the interim IAD would make decisions that would have long term

Leslie Daigle suggested that the Committee get a professional review
of the IAD job description, and pointed out that outsourcing the hiring
could still be pursued in the future if the internal efforts
did not meet with success.

The hiring time line was discussed at length, with dissatisfaction with the pace of events to date. It was decided that

January 14th, with a request for assistance from the community.

sufficient time for the community to promote candidates.

Leslie Daigle to draft a note to the IETF community outlining this
change in timeline.

The status of the BCP

Harald Alvestrand observed that he was faced with a decision by the end
of the week on sending the BCP to last call, or restarting the process.
Restarting the last call process would put the earliest completion of
last call at February 3rd.

Lynn St. Amour expressed the hope that, as the details of the BCP were changed, that the document remained faithful to the core principles.

CNRI proposal for sole sourcing the secretariat function

The TT has been made aware that CNRI is discussing the possibility
of selling its Foretec asset, assuming the possibility of
establishing a fixed term sole source contract with the new entity
(to give it a chance to make operational changes and compete
effectively in a future RFP process).

The TT reviewed a copy of the apparent letter of intent between
CNRI and the potential buyer. Recognizing that it is not party
to those negotiations, Leslie Daigle said that the crucial point
was whether the IETF and IASA could function in the environment that this transaction took place.

The core principles were that

the new entity should not have more access to information than the IETF,
and the IETF would retain or gain intellectual property rights to the
relevant names, logos, domain names, etc.

the new entity would be responsible for

These pieces would be clean, separate, reportable, in case the IETF
wanted to break these out and contract the pieces to others in the

The next call was set for January 7, 2005, at 11:00 AM EST.