IASA Call 10:00 AM EST, Thursday, March 24, 2005
IASA Call 10:00 AM EST, Thursday, March 24, 2005.
Participants :
Lynn St. Amour
Brian Carpenter
Steve Crocker
Leslie Daigle
Kurtis Lindqvist
Lucy Lynch
Marshall Eubanks [scribe]
Results from the IAD candidate interviews.
IAOC Status.
Update on the NeuStar Contract Status.
Call times during the ICANN meeting.
The Minutes from the Meeting March 9, 2005 were approved, subject to review of minor editorial changes. The Minutes from the Call March 17, 2005, were approved.
The IAD candidate interviews (conducted by Telephone earlier in the week) were discussed at length. It was decided that the next stage is to ask for references, and there was also discussion of further interviews in person, although no times have been specified as yet.
Brian Carpenter and Leslie Daigle updated the Team on the status of the instantiation of the IAOC. While the two candidates required from the IAB and the IESG have not been selected, the IAOC is on track to being instantiated on schedule. In addition, Danny McPherson, the NomCom Chair, has been notified of the need for 2 IAOC members from the NomCom, and that process has been officially started.
There was then a review of the status of arrangements with NeuStar, and of legal issues concerning an IPR Trust. The status of the Statement of Work covering the functions currently provided by the
IETF Secretariat was reviewed. This Statement of Work is being prepared at the request of Mark Foster of NeuStar.
Several Team members will be in Argentina for an upcoming ICANN meeting, and a change in the call time was discussed, but it was decided to keep the call time unchanged for the present.