IAOC Call 10:00 AM EST, Thursday, April 7, 2005

IAOC Call 10:00 AM EST, Thursday, April 7, 2005

Participants :

Lynn St. Amour
Brian Carpenter
Steve Crocker
Leslie Daigle
Kurtis Lindqvist
Lucy Lynch
Marshall Eubanks [Secretary]

Agenda :

Election of the Chair
Appointment of the Secretary
Next steps in IAD hiring
IETF Draft Trust Agreement
IETF Contract with NeuStar
IAOC Transition

Election of the Chair :

Lucy Lynch was nominated by Brian Carpenter to be the Chair of the IAOC. The nomination was seconded
by Kurtis Lindqvist and was approved unanimously. There will be another election process
when the rest of the IAOC is appointed by the NomCom.

Appointment of the Secretary :

Marshall Eubanks was nominated by Lucy Lynch to be the Secretary of the IAOC. The nomination was
seconded by Brian Carpenter and was approved unanimously.

Brian Carpenter volunteered to send a note to the IETF Announce list reporting on the instantiation
of the IAOC, its first meeting, and the results of this election and appointment.

Minutes :

The Minutes for the Transition Team Call March 31st were
deferred until the next meeting.

IAD Hiring :

The IAOC reviewed the status of reference checks on some of the IAD candidates. Calls are in
progress for the references that have been received.

IETF Draft Trust Agreement :

The IAOC discussed a draft received from CNRI of a proposed Trust Agreement for the handling of
Intellectual Property belonging to the IETF. As IAOC Chair, Lucy Lynch is responsible for
discussions with CNRI on this matter and will prepare an initial response to CNRI.

IETF Contract with NeuStar :

The IAOC discussed the status of the contract between the IETF and NeuStar to provide services
currently handled by the IETF Secretariat. The IAOC is empowered by the BCP to execute such a
contract and intends to pursue closing this matter vigorously.

IAOC Transition :

Procedures have been initiated to obtain a specific mailing list for the IAOC. The logistics of
obtaining a web page, moving relevant material from the Transition Team web site and wiki to the
IAOC web page, and performing regular updates to that site, were discussed.