IAOC Call 10:00 AM EDT, Thursday, May 19th, 2005

IAOC Call at 10:00 AM EDT, Thursday, May 19, 2005 and
10:00 AM EDT, Friday, May 20, 2005.

Participants :

Lynn St. Amour
Brian Carpenter
Steve Crocker
Leslie Daigle
Kurtis Lindqvist
Lucy Lynch

Jorge Contreras [IETF Counsel]
Mark Foster [NeuStar]
Jeff Neuman [NeuStar Counsel]

Marshall Eubanks [scribe]


Approval of the Minutes
IAD Report
IAOC Old Business
IPR Trust
House Keeping
New Business

Approval of the Minutes :

The Minutes for the IAOC Calls of May 5th and 12th, having been previously distributed and
discussed, were approved. The Minutes for the Call of May 5th are unofficial as there was not a
quorum for that call.

IAD Report :

The IAOC discussed the offer made to the leading candidate for the IAD position. New applications are no longer being accepted, and the job description has been removed from the ISOC employment web site. The IAOC also discussed the appropriate community notification once the IAD is hired.

NeuStar :

Mark Foster of NeuStar, together with Jeff Neuman and Jorge Contreras (legal
counsels for NeuStar and the IETF, respectively), participated in part of the call on the 19th. Legal and financial aspects of the current draft contract with NeuStar, and its relation to a IETF Trust for IPR, were discussed at length.

IAOC Old Business

The Chair reminded the IAOC that they has received a list of candidates for
additional IAOC members from the NomCom for their review.

IPR Trust :

The IAOC discussed details of its response to the most recent draft Trust Agreement
for IPR received from CNRI.

House Keeping

The IAOC discussed its web presence and decided that at least three web sites are appropriate
for its work; an official web site hosted by the IETF Secretariat for official announcements, a private wiki space for internal working documents, and a regularly-updated
public copy of the non-sensitive parts of the wiki workspace.

New Business

The IAOC decided that there should be a Press Release to announce the hiring of the IAD, once the hiring is accomplished, and discussed topics and possible wording for this release.