IAOC Call at 10:00 AM EDT, Thursday, June 2nd, 2005

IAOC Call at 10:00 AM EDT, Thursday, June 2nd, 2005

Lynn St. Amour
Brian Carpenter
Steve Crocker
Leslie Daigle
Kurtis Lindqvist
Lucy Lynch
Ray Pelletier

Marshall Eubanks [scribe]

Agenda - IAOC Call for 10:00 AM EDT, Thursday June 2nd, 2005

Approval of the Minutes
Welcome Our New IAD
IAOC Old Business
IAD Report
House Keeping
New Business

Approval of the Minutes :

The Minutes for the IAOC Calls of May 26th, and the IAOC Monthly
Report for May, having been previously distributed and discussed, were

IAD Welcome on Board :

The IAOC warmly welcomed the new IAD, Ray Pelletier, to his first
meeting, and discussed logistical details of his new position, such as
the e-mail lists he will join and his new jabber account. The Chair
has forwarded the IAD a collection of historical documents to give him
background on the IETF restructuring. The relationship between the IAD
and routine Secretariat operations was discussed at length.

IAOC Old Business

The IAOC discussed and finalized the logistical details and talking
points for the upcoming IAOC Face to Face meeting on June 8th.


The latest version of the new draft IETF Trust Agreement was
discussed, and the IAOC concluded that it is ready, and the Chair
committed to send it to CNRI by the end of the day. A three way
teleconference between the IETF Chair, the IAOC Chair, and Robert Kahn
of CNRI was scheduled for June 3rd to discuss the new draft Trust and
related issues.

House Keeping

The timing of the NomCom nominations for the two remaining IAOC
members was discussed. These nominations are on track to be in place
before the Paris IETF.

The new IAOC wiki site was discussed and approved for release. The
public wiki is at http://koi.uoregon.edu/~iaoc/.