IAOC Call at 10:00 AM EDT, Thursday, June 23, 2005
IAOC Call at 10:00 AM EDT, Thursday, June 23, 2005.
Participants : Lynn St. Amour Brian Carpenter
Steve Crocker
Leslie Daigle
Kurtis Lindqvist
Lucy Lynch
Ray Pelletier
Marshall Eubanks [scribe]
[IAOC] Agenda - IAOC Call Thursday, June 23, 2005
Approval of the Minutes
- Minutes for IAOC Meeting at 2:00 PM EST, Wednesday, June 8, 2005
IAOC Old Business
- IAD / Foretec relations (Brian)
House Keeping
- Requests for a link to IAOC web site
IAD Report
- Update from Ray - NeuStar Agreement 03C
- No word from CNRI
- Letter to NeuStar
New Business
- items carried forward
– Press Relations (goals and strategy)
– IAOC member selection (per S. Crocker)
Minutes :
The Minutes for the Face to Face Meeting on June 8th, having been
previously distributed and discussed, were accepted.
IAOC Old Business
- IAD / Foretec relations : Brian Carpenter has drafted a document about IASA / Secretariat
relationships, which is on the IAOC web site at:
House Keeping
- Requests for a link to IAOC web site :
The IAOC Chair has received a request that the IETF main web page include
a link to the IAOC web site. The IAOC concluded that this could best be
done through an inclusion in the list of "Related Web Pages" at the bottom
of the IETF main page, and decided to formally request this change through
the Secretariat.
IAD Report
- Update from Ray Pelletier :
The IAD described his discussions with the RFC Editor about the RFC Editor budget. The IAOC concluded that the ISI Contract Manager should be
included in these discussions, and that ISI should be informed that the IAD now serves in the dual role of program officer and contract manager
for the RFC Editor Contract.
IPR Trust : The Chair informed the IAOC that there is still no formal response from
CNRI concerning the latest draft IPR Trust agreement.
NeuStar - NeuStar Agreement 03C The IAOC discussed the latest revision to the proposed agreement with
NeuStar. The IAOC concluded that the document is now ready, and authorized
its sending by the IAD.
The IAOC discussed and approved a letter to be sent by the Chair to
NeuStar about the relationship between the IAD, Foretec, and NeuStar.
New Business - Press Relations (goals and strategy) :
The IAOC again discussed the issue of press relations. The IAOC concluded
that most press communications should come from the IETF itself and that,
while there are times (such as the hiring of the new IAD), when the IASA
should communicate directly with the press, there is no need for further
press activity from the IASA at this time.
- IAOC member selection (per S. Crocker)
The IAOC discussed formally describing principles for selection of new
IAOC members by the ISOC, either by expanding BCP 101, or through the
creation of a new document.