IAOC Call at 10:00 AM EDT, Thursday, July 14, 2005
IAOC Call at 10:00 AM EDT, Thursday, July 14, 2005.
Participants :
Lynn St. Amour
Brian Carpenter
Steve Crocker Leslie Daigle
Ed Juskevicius
Lucy Lynch
Ray Pelletier
Jonne Soininen
Jorge Contreras [IETF Counsel]
Marshall Eubanks [scribe] Steve Crocker was only present on jabber, as he could not be part of the call directly.
Draft Agenda - IAOC Call for 10:00AM EDT, Thursday July 14th, 2005
Approval of the Minutes
- Minutes for IAOC Call for 10:00AM EDT, Thursday, July 7th, 2005
IAOC Old Business
- Logistics for Paris
– scheduling (NeuStar and office hours)
- Jorge Contreras will join us at 10:15AM
to discuss the most recent version of the service agreement
- Debrief of NeuStar call of July 11th.
IAD Report
- Report from Ray Pelletier
- Update from Jorge Contreras
- Reminder: Ed and Jonne need to be added to the trustee list
Approval of the Minutes
- Minutes for IAOC Call for 10:00AM EDT, Thursday, July 7th, 2005
The Minutes for the IAOC Teleconference of July 7th, having previously been distributed and
discussed, were approved subject to a posting of a corrected copy with all revisions.
IAOC Old Business
- Logistics for Paris
- scheduling (NeuStar and office hours)
The Chair reported that she had received a message from Marcia Beaulieu of the Secretariat, and that
ISOC had agreed that IAOC could use the ISOC room for its office hours. Office hours are currently
planned for Tuesday - Thursday during the afternoon break.
The IAOC decided to proceed with arranging a Face to Face meeting with NeuStar principals during the
Paris meeting.
The IAOC discussed its presentation for the IETF plenary in Paris; the IAOC Chair expects to have a
first draft of the slides by the weekend. The IAOC also discussed possible presentations to the ISOC
Board meetings being held in conjunction with the Paris IETF.
At this point Jorge Contreras, the IETF Counsel, joined the call.
IPR Trust
The IAOC discussed possible changes to BCP 101 in light of the proposed IPR Trust agreement. The
IAOC decided that, given the time required to update the BCP and given that the BCP is still
relatively new and that other issues requiring changes are likely to arise as the restructuring
continues, that it would be best not to attempt to change the BCP at this time. The IAOC also
concluded that the existing BCP gives it sufficient authority to execute any agreements required to
create and run the Trust.
The IAOC discussed with Counsel the wording of the next revision of the proposed agreement with
NeuStar for Secretariat Services. The IAOC agreed that the next draft sent to NeuStar should also be
sent to the ISOC legal counsel for review.
At this point Jorge Contreras, the IETF Counsel, left the call.
IAD Report
- Report from Ray Pelletier
The IAD described to the IAOC issues with possible future locations for IETF meetings. Also
discussed were means to quantify the results (in terms of meeting and Working Group participation,
production of new drafts and RFC, etc.) when IETF meetings are held in new locations.