IAOC Call for 10:00AM EST, Thursday February 16, 2006
IAOC Call for 10:00AM EST, Thursday, February 16th, 2006
Participants :
Lynn St. Amour
Brian Carpenter
Leslie Daigle
Ed Juskevicius
Kurtis Lindqvist
Lucy Lynch
Ray Pelletier
Marshall Eubanks [scribe]
Approval of the Minutes
IAOC Old Business
- IASA Tao (service provider interaction model)
- Last Call version, publish to website 2/16/06
IAD Weekly Report
- ISOC BoT presentation
- NeuStar IT conversion
- Dallas
- future meetings
- financial reports
Committee Reports
IAOC New Business
- IESG appointment
- Planning for Dallas
- office hours
- IAD evaluation
House Keeping
- Catch Up: minutes and Nov/Dec/Jan reports
- financial reports (add to website)
- updated budget pdf
IETF Trust related items -
- Trademark Registration Costs
- E-vote reminder
Approval of the Minutes
The Minutes were deferred.
IAOC Old Business
- IASA Tao (service provider interaction model)
The IAOC discussed the previously distributed draft of the IASA Tao document.
Baring objection, the IAOC Chair intends to distribute this document to the
IETF list.
IAD Weekly Report
- ISOC BoT presentation
- NeuStar IT conversion
- Dallas
- future meetings
- financial reports
The IAD described problems which had been encountered with the conversion of
the IETF web sites and related services from CNRI servers to NeuStar servers,
which occurred on the previous weekend. All of the problems encountered seem to
have been resolved quickly.
The similar transition of the email servers is scheduled to occur during the
next weekend.
The IETF Chair requested that notification be sent to the IETF community
warning them of possible email problems during this period.
The IAD reported that registrations for the IETF meeting in Dallas were running
ahead of 3 of the last 5 IETF meetings at a similar time before the meeting.
The IAOC Chair described the recent demonstration of wireless monitoring tools
for the upcoming IETF meeting at the NANOG meeting.
The IAD reported that the contractual work for the 66th IETF meeting had
reached the stage where meeting details could be announced to the community.
Details for the Social event are still be worked out.
The IAD reported that the final financial reports for 2005 were in the process
of being finalized.
Committee Reports
Part of the Performance Evaluation for the IAD includes his task list, which
brought up the issue of the tasks have been assigned at one time or another to
the IETF
Executive Director. The IAOC discussed these tasks, and whether they should all
be redirected to the IAD. The IAOC Chair volunteered to provide a complete list
of these functions, as described in various RFCs. The IAD was directed to
provide feedback for the existing task list.
IAOC New Business
- IESG appointment
- Planning for Dallas
- office hours
- IAD evaluation
The IAOC congratulated Kurtis Lindqvist for his reappointment to the IAOC.
The IAOC Chair discussed the office hours planned for IETF-65, and the
organization of the Plenary meeting. The IETF Chair requested that a meeting be
planned during the IETF week between the IAOC and the EDU team.
House Keeping
- Catch Up: minutes and Nov/Dec/Jan reports
- financial reports (add to website)
- updated budget pdf
The IAOC Chair requested that all public IAOC information be brought up to date
in time for the IETF meeting in Dallas. All of this information will be
transferred to the new, official, IAOC wiki.
IETF Trust related items -
- Trademark Registration Costs
- E-vote reminder
The IAOC discussed the budget for transferring Trademark Registrations to the
IETF Trust.
Ed Juskevicius brought up the issue of licenses previously granted for IETF
IPR, such as the rights to use the IETF Logo on T-shirts handed out at IETF
meetings. The IAOC discussed this, and concluded that the first step to address
the issue is to send a request to CNRI for a list of all previous licensees.
The IAOC Chair said that the e-vote ballot was being re-worded and would be