IAOC Call for 10:00AM EST, Thursday March 16, 2006
IAOC Call for 10:00AM EST, Thursday, March 16th, 2006
Participants :
Lynn St. Amour
Brian Carpenter
Steve Crocker
Leslie Daigle
Lucy Lynch
Ray Pelletier
Jonne Soininen
Marshall Eubanks [scribe]
Agenda- IAOC Call 10:00AM EST, Thursday March 16, 2006
Approval of the Minutes (http://koi.uoregon.edu:8888/IAOC/2)
In Hand:
Minutes for IAOC Call 10:00AM EST, Thursday January 5, 2006
Minutes for IAOC Call 10:00AM EST, Thursday January 12, 2006
Minutes for IAOC Call 10:00AM EST, Thursday February 2, 2006
Minutes for IAOC Call 10:00AM EST, Thursday February 16, 2006
Minutes for IAOC Call 10:00AM EST, Thursday March 2, 2006
Minutes for IAOC Call 10:00AM EST, Thursday December 1, 2005
Minutes for IAOC Call 10:00AM EST, Thursday December 8, 2005
Minutes for IAOC Call 10:00AM EST, Thursday December 15, 2005
IAD Weekly Report 3-13-06 (http://koi.uoregon.edu:8888/IAOC/221)
Committee Reports
- IAD Evaluation - deferred to end of call
- RFC Ed Committee
IAOC Old Business
- Planning for Dallas
- Reminder: Calendar (http://koi.uoregon.edu:8888/IAOC/64)
- EDU meeting - Monday, 3/20 at 10:30AM
- WG activity
- IAOC plenary presentation
- DoC/IANA check in
IAD Evaluation
- closed session review w/out IAD
House Keeping
- website updates - community notice
- web site move (iaoc & trust)
- meeting schedule check in
Approval of the Minutes
The Minutes having been previously distributed and discussed, there was
unanimous consent
for approval of the entire set of pending Minutes.
IAD Weekly Report 3-13-06 (http://koi.uoregon.edu:8888/IAOC/221)
The IAD reported that the registrations for the Montreal meeting will be opened
as soon as possible after the completion of
The IAOC discussed this in connection with the visa problems that have been
experienced by some attendees. The intention is to open registrations roughly 3
months before each meeting from now on, which would improve the visa situation
considerably, by allowing for the early sending of invitation letters.
Lynn St Amour reminded the IAD and the IAOC that there were items still
remaining from the "punch list" left over from the sale of Foretec to NeuStar.
The IAD reported that the plan was to review these and develop a plan to close
them after the Dallas IETF meeting.
Committee Reports
- IAD Evaluation - deferred to end of call
- RFC Ed Committee
Leslie Daigle reported that she expected the Draft RFC Editor charter to be
released shortly.
Brian Carpenter reported that a draft of the new EDU charter was due shortly,
and would be distributed to the IAOC when available.
IAOC Old Business
- Planning for Dallas
- Reminder: Calendar (http://koi.uoregon.edu:8888/IAOC/64)
- EDU meeting - Monday, 3/20 at 10:30AM
- WG activity
- IAOC plenary presentation
- DoC/IANA check in
Lucy Lynch described her draft presentation to the IPR Working Group at the
upcoming Dallas meeting. She felt, and the IAOC agreed, that it was important
to convey to the Working Group that the Trustees of the IETF Trust were
anticipating that the Working Group would provide them with direction and
advice on IPR issues.
The IAOC discussed its presentation to the IETF during the plenary meeting.
IAD Evaluation
- closed session review w/out IAD
At the end of the meeting the IAD left and the IAOC went into closed session to
discuss the annual performance evaluation of the IAD.