IAOC Call 10:30AM EDT, Thursday April 20, 2006

Participants :

Lynn St. Amour
Brian Carpenter
Steve Crocker
Leslie Daigle
Ed Juskevicius
Kurtis Lindqvist
Lucy Lynch
Ray Pelletier

Marshall Eubanks [scribe]

Agenda - IAOC Call for 10:30AM EDT, Thursday April 20, 2006

Approval of the Minutes

- IAOC Call 10:00AM EDT, Thursday April 6, 2006

   (as updated)

- IAOC Call 10:00AM EDT, Thursday April 13, 2006

IAD Report for April 20, 2006

- site visit update

- financial reports

IAOC Old Business

NSS contract Review (90 days)

Committee Reports

- RFC Editor RFP

- IAD Evaluation

- Meeting Planning

House Keeping

- meetings for April 27th

Approval of the Minutes

The meeting being a short one (this meeting occurring just after a meeting of
the IETF Trust), the Minutes were deferred.

IAD Report for April 20, 2006

The IAD reported on site selection for IETF 67, which is progressing for new
locations in the United States, the European locations having been ruled

The IAD described the recent financial reports for the IETF. There was
extensive discussion of the reports, and of ways of improving financial
reporting for the IETF.

Committee Reports

The IAD has signed his annual evaluation, and will meet again to discuss 2006
goals and objectives.

There was brief discussion of a possible face to face meeting of the IAOC,
possibly timed to coincide with the IAB retreat.

House Keeping

Next week's meeting is scheduled for committee work. The meeting being over
time, other business was deferred.