IAOC Call 10:00AM EDT, Thursday September 21, 2006

IAOC Call 10:00AM EDT, Thursday, September 21, 2006

Participants :

Lynn St. Amour      [not present]

Brian Carpenter     [not present]     

Steve Crocker       [present]

Leslie Daigle       [present]

Ed Juskevicius      [present]

Kurtis Lindqvist    [present]

Lucy Lynch          [present]

Ray Pelletier       [present]

Jonne Soininen      [present]

Marshall Eubanks    [scribe]


Agenda - IAOC Call for 10:00AM September 21, 2006

Approval of the Minutes

- IAOC Call 10:00AM EDT, Thursday September 7, 2006

- IAOC Meeting, 1:00PM EDT, Thursday, July 13, 2006

- IAOC Call 10:42AM EDT, Thursday July 6, 2006

- IAOC Call 10:00AM EDT, Thursday June 15, 2006

- IAOC Call 10:00AM EDT, Thursday May 25, 2006

IAD Report for  September 21, 2006

- San Diego update

-- MOU

-- network

IAOC Old Business

- Equipment Donation

Committee Reports

RFC Editor RFP

-- debrief information gathering calls

-- next steps

--- contracting model

--- test run(s)

Meeting Planning

-- Hotel Contract Deadlines

--- Asian meeting locations

Budgets and Contracts

-NSS Contract Review

-- update

Budget Committee

- Budget Process

-- Timelines

-- Revenue Assumptions

- Captioning Contract

IAOC New Business

- IAOC calls

-- restructuring (agenda building)

-- document deadlines

House Keeping

- email transit (lists)


Approval of the Minutes

The Minutes were deferred.

IAD Report for  September 21, 2006

- San Diego update

-- MOU

-- network

The IAD reported that there were at present approximately 225 people registered 

for the San Diego IETF meeting, and that the MOU with the Host is still in 

legal review with the Host's Counsel. He also reported that Jim Martin of the 

volunteer NOC team was planning means of obtaining all of the required Wireless 

Access Points (APs), as between 60 and 65 are needed and only 35 are on hand at 

present. IAOC members questioned why more APs are needed than in the last 

meeting in San Diego, which was held in the same facilities, but the space 

available for the IETF has greater than before as the Hotel has opened up 

additional meeting rooms below the ground floor. 

The IAD reported that negotiations were continuing with potential Hosts for the 

Spring and Summer, 2007, meetings. Host expenses for meetings in Europe are 

generally higher than in the US or Canada, as European hotels generally charge 

directly for meeting rooms. The IAOC discussed means of possibly reducing this 

difference, by adjusting charges throughout the year, or by reducing meeting 

expenses in general. 

IAOC Old Business

- Equipment Donation 

Committee Reports

RFC Editor RFP

-- debrief information gathering calls

-- next steps

--- contracting model

--- test run(s)

The IAOC discussed the information gathered from the calls with the prospective 

RFC Editor Vendors, the cost elements of the various proposals and possible 

negotiating positions to be taken with the proposing vendors. 

Meeting Planning

-- Hotel Contract Deadlines

--- Asian meeting locations

This and subsequent matters were deferred due to lack of time.

Budgets and Contracts

-NSS Contract Review

-- update

Budget Committee

- Budget Process

-- Timelines

-- Revenue Assumptions

- Captioning Contract

IAOC New Business

- IAOC calls

-- restructuring (agenda building)

-- document deadlines

House Keeping

- email transit