IAOC Call 10:00AM EST, Thursday December 21st, 2006

IAOC Call 10:00AM EST, Thursday December 21st, 2006

Participants :

Lynn St. Amour      [present]

Brian Carpenter     [present]     

Steve Crocker       [present]

Leslie Daigle       [present]

Ed Juskevicius      [not present]

Kurtis Lindqvist    [present]

Lucy Lynch          [present]

Ray Pelletier       [present]

Jonne Soininen      [present]

Marshall Eubanks    [scribe]


Agenda- IAOC Call 10:00AM EST, Thursday December 21st, 2006

Approval of the Minutes


- IAOC Call 10:00AM EST, Thursday December 14th, 2006 (joint call)

- IAOC Call 10:00AM EST, Thursday December 7th, 2006

- IAOC Call 10:00AM EDT, Thursday October 5th, 2006

- IAOC Call 10:00AM EDT, Thursday September 28, 2006

- IAOC Call 10:00AM EDT, Thursday September 21, 2006

- IAOC Call 10:00AM EDT, Thursday September 7, 2006

- IAOC Meeting, 1:00PM EDT, Thursday, July 13, 2006

- IAOC Call 10:42AM EDT, Thursday July 6, 2006

- IAOC Call 10:00AM EDT, Thursday June 15, 2006

- IAOC Call 10:00AM EDT, Thursday May 25, 2006

IAD Report for December 21st, 2006

- meeting updates

Old Business

- IANA SLA completed


-- review of v2

-- next steps

- ISI contract

- Tools Contract update


- Retreat

-- Draft Agenda Geneva Retreat


Approval of the Minutes

The Minutes for the previous meeting were deferred. The IAOC Chair discussed 

means to eliminate the Minute backlog, and also possibly obtaining a second 


IAD Report for December 21st, 2006

- meeting updates

The IAD reported that preparation for the Prague IETF, including the Social, 

were proceeding smoothly. Planning for subsequent meetings is continuing, 

including the site selection work for the Summer, 2008, IETF meeting in Europe 

and Hotel contracts for the Fall, 2008, meeting. 

Old Business

- IANA SLA completed

The IAD reported that the SLA has been executed by IANA.


-- review of v2

-- next steps

The IAD described the new draft, Version 2, of the NOC RFP, which has input 

from the NOC Volunteers. He requested and received authorization from the IAOC 

to publish this version of the RFP immediately. 

- ISI contract

The IAOC discussed terms of the draft contract with ISI for the RFC Editor 


- Tools Contract update

This matter was deferred to a subsequent meeting.


- Retreat

-- Draft Agenda Geneva Retreat

This draft agenda was described by the IAOC Chair; further discussion was 

deferred to the IAOC Mailing list. 

The Meeting ended at 11:14 AM EST.