IAOC Call at 10:47 AM EST, Thursday, 3 September, 2009 Participants: Lynn St. Amour [PRESENT] Fred Baker [NOT PRESENT] Marshall Eubanks, Chair [PRESENT] Bob Hinden [NOT PRESENT] Russ Housley [PRESENT] Ole Jacobsen [PRESENT] Olaf Kolkman [PRESENT] Ray Pelletier [PRESENT] Henk Uijterwaal [NOT PRESENT] Karen O’Donoghue: Guest ----------------------------------------------------------------------- IAOC Agenda 1. Minutes - 08-10-24 2. Minutes Procedure 3. 2010 Budget - Revenue - Schedule 4. RFPs - Production Center - Publisher 5. RSE & ISE Update 6. Meetings - Asia Schedule: 2011 & 2012 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- IAOC Agenda 1. Minutes - 08-10-24 A motion to adopt the 24 October, 2008 minutes was made by Marshall. The motion was seconded by Russ and, without objection, the motion was approved. 2. Minutes Procedure Ray suggested a process under which the IAOC could maintain the current minutes in an orderly fashion. The goal is to get the minutes adopted by the second call following the meeting that the minutes were taken. After some discussion of the importance of keeping up with the minutes, the IAOC agreed to the suggestion. Karen O'Donoghue has volunteered as a member of the IETF community to be the IAOC scribe. It was noted that she is also an employee of the Internet Society. 3. 2010 Budget - Revenue - Schedule The IAOC reviewed preliminary revenue numbers; on the 17th it will review the expenses. Revenue looked at 5 different areas: registration fees, sponsorships, NOC sponsorships, hotel revenue and New Revenues and the preliminary assumptions regarding each, such as no change in the registration fee from 2009 for 2010, and lower hotel commissions due to many alternatives in Anaheim, a commission split agreement with the Travel Bureau in Maastricht and the as yet unknown venue for November 2010. The committee discussed the implications of assumptions made about hotel commissions. In future planned locations it is likely that there are many cheap hotels surrounding the venue for which we will not be able to get commission. Also there are optimistic estimates of sponsor ship made. The IAOC provided feedback and guidance in order to arrive at a conservative estimates for these parameters. On 15 October the IAOC is scheduled to adopt the Budget. 4. RFPs - Production Center - Publisher The vendors are reviewing draft contract terms provided by the IAD. Schedule is for contracts to be reviewed and approved on 17 September by IAOC, if not ready, then on 1 October. The transition is currently scheduled for week of 13 October at ISI. 5. RSE & ISE Update - IAB ex-oficio provided the update Ole recused himself from the discussion. Nominations are under consideration by the IAB Ad Hoc Advisory Committee. The IAB may provide instructions to the IAOC when it comes to contract negotiations. 6. Meetings - Asia Schedule: 2011 & 2012 The schedule calls for Asia meetings in November of 2011 and March of 2012, back to back Asia meetings. The IAD tried to move the Atlanta in November 2012 to March, but that can’t be moved because the dates aren't available at the Atlanta Hilton; so it stands at Asia, Europe and North America in 2012, unless there’s a meeting in Asia in the summertime and in Europe in March. The IAD was requested to look at changing 2012 so that Europe was in March and Asia in July to avoid back-to-back Asia meetings. There was a discussion of the 3-2-1 two-year meeting cycle, where out of 6 meetings 3 were in North America, 2 in Europe and 1 in Asia. The cycle seems to be off track considering the effort to have an Asia meeting in November 2010. The two year cycles were 2010-2011 and 2012-2103 and when calendared were 3-2-1. When the IAOC decided to move Atlanta to 2012 from 2010 to avoid having two US meetings in 2010 and the US visa policies, it created an opening. We received an overture from an Asian Host, and since the IETF had not been to Asia since Seoul, IETF 59 in 2004, it was decided to pursue that opportunity. While this impacted the 3-2-1 schedule, it was felt the Asia meeting imbalance was important to address. A motion to adjourn the IAOC meeting was made by Marshall and was seconded by Russ. The motion passing unanimously, the IAOC meeting adjourned at 11:25 am.