IAOC Call 1000 AM EST, Thursday, 28 January 2010 Participants: Lynn St. Amour [NOT PRESENT] Fred Baker [NOT PRESENT] Marshall Eubanks [PRESENT] Bob Hinden [PRESENT, Chair] Russ Housley [PRESENT] Ole Jacobsen [PRESENT] Olaf Kolkman [PRESENT] Ray Pelletier [PRESENT, IAD] Henk Uijterwaal [PRESENT] Greg Kapfer [GUEST] Karen O'Donoghue [SCRIBE] Jewellee Dalrymple [SCRIBE] Bob Hinden called the IAOC meeting to order at 10:03 AM EST Thursday, 28 January 2010. The proposed agenda was: 0. Minutes 20100114 1. TRSE contract update 2. Approve ISE MoU Terms 3. Approve WG RFP Vendor 4. Retreat dates - 27 - 28 April? 5. Date Conflict with IEEE Nov 2010 6. IETF 80 Venue 7. Calendar 2008 - 2013 regions 8. Meeting Calendar 2014 - 2017 The proposed agenda was reorganized to facilitate completion of some key items. The minutes below reflect the actual order business during the meeting. 0. Minutes Approval of the 14 January 2010 minutes was deferred to the next meeting to give IAOC members more time to review them. 2. Approve ISE MoU Terms Ray Pelletier went over the terms for the ISE MoU. A preliminary agreement has been reached with the IAB Appointee. The position will be a volunteer position with an expense budget of $10K. The term is 5 years with a review at 2 years. There is an option to renew the agreement, and either party can terminate. The ISE will be covered by the ISOC D&O Liability Insurance policy. Administrative and technical support may be requested. The next steps are for the IAOC to approve the terms, execute the agreement, and for the IAB to make the announcement. The following resolution was prepared: Whereas the IAB has selected a candidate as the Independent Submissions Editor Whereas an agreement has been reached with the identified Independent Submissions Editor Whereas the IAOC finds the terms and conditions of the agreement acceptable Resolved the IAOC approves the terms and conditions of the agreement with the Independent Submissions Editor and requests the Internet Society to enter into the agreement with the Independent Submissions Editor Russ Housley moved, Henk Uijterwaal seconded a motion to adopt the above resolution. In the discussion of the resolution, Russ clarified that the expenses are not to exceed $10K. There was a slight discrepancy in the wording in the MoU document making it unclear whether the agreement is with the IAB or the Internet Society. This needs to be clarified to be an agreement with the Internet Society in consultation with the IAB. A roll call vote was taken. Bob Hinden, Henk Uijterwaal, Marshall Eubanks, Olaf Kolkman, Ole Jacobsen, and Russ Housley all voted yes, and the motion passed unanimously. Olaf Kolkman reminded the IAOC of the coordination that will need to take place when the agreement is finalized so that he can contact those who were not selected prior to the public announcement being made. 3. Approve WG RFP Vendor Ray Pelletier provided an overview of the WG RFP Vendor evaluation process and results. A subcommittee comprised of Bob Hinden, Ray Pelletier, and Russ Housley reviewed the proposals, conducted phone interviews with both candidates, and agreed upon the provided recommendation. Marshall Eubanks moved, and Henk Uijterwaal seconded a motion. In the subsequent discussion, minor changes were made to the resolution resulting in the final version below. Whereas a competitive bid process was used to obtain bidders to perform specifications development for the front end extension to the Data Tracker to support Authors and Working Group Chairs Whereas competitive bids were received, reviewed and the principals interviewed by the Subcommittee Whereas the Subcommittee strongly recommends TrekAhead Consulting based on its superior approach to and greater understanding of the work and process Whereas the IAOC has confidence that TrekAhead Consulting LLC has the qualifications and a superior approach to perform the work, and at a reasonable fee Resolved the IAOC approves TrekAhead Consulting LLC for the Requirements Development for Extension to the Data Tracker work and requests the Internet Society enter into an agreement with them for the work. A roll call vote was taken. Bob Hinden, Henk Uijterwaal, Marshall Eubanks, Olaf Kolkman, Ole Jacobsen, and Russ Housley all voted yes, and the motion passed unanimously. 1. TRSE contract update Ray Pelletier provided an update on the TRSE contract negotiations. The IAB has identified a candidate and asked the IAOC to negotiate a contract. The current projections are coming in significantly over budget. There is some uncertainty about the scope and scale of work required. There is also some concern about the expected level of compensation. Given the current budgeting environment, it is not reasonable to expect that we can cover that type of shortfall. Greg Kapfer indicated that a contract that goes outside the budget to this degree requires ISOC executive level and board level review. As a result, what has been outlined thus far is not possible. A number of strategies for the negotiation of a contract within the available budget were discussed. Ray Pelletier agreed to take these suggestions back and explore the options. 4. Retreat dates - 27 - 28 April? Russ Housley moved, and Bob Hinden seconded a motion to hold an IAOC retreat 27-28 April 2010 in Geneva. The motion passed with no opposition. The following agenda items were deferred to email discussion and the next meeting. 5. Date Conflict with IEEE Nov 2010 6. IETF 80 Venue 7. Calendar 2008 - 2013 regions 8. Meeting Calendar 2014 - 2017 The IAOC meeting was adjourned with no opposition at 11:15 AM EST.