IAOC meeting, 14:23 UTC, Thursday, 2010-06-24 Participants: Eric Burger [NOT PRESENT] Marshall Eubanks [PRESENT] Bob Hinden [PRESENT, Chair] Russ Housley [PRESENT] Ole Jacobsen [NOT PRESENT] Olaf Kolkman [PRESENT] Ray Pelletier [PRESENT] Lynn St. Amour [PRESENT] Henk Uijterwaal [PRESENT] Suresh Krishnan [SCRIBE] Karen O'Donoghue [SCRIBE] Andrew Sullivan [SCRIBE] The draft agenda was as follows: 0. Minutes 24 March 2010 08 April 2010 22 April 2010 13 May 2010 27 May 2010 1. Liaison Statement Management Tool Work Order 2. IAOC Admin Procedures Update 3. Calendar 2014 - 2017 4. IANA SLA Update 5. IETF 78 Maastricht Update 6. IETF Meeting Venues 7. Minutes Procedures Bob Hinden called the meeting to order at 14:23 UTC on Thursday, 24 June 2010 and noted the presence of a quorum. 0. Minutes The minutes for 2010-03-24, 2010-04-08, 2010-04-22, 2010-05-13, and 2010-05-27 were first brought for approval. Ray Pelletier noted that there had already been requests to modify the minutes for posting by removing the dollar amounts from the published documents. Marshall Eubanks moved, and Russ Housley seconded, a motion to adopt the minutes so modified. Bob Hinden asked what the status would be if the minutes were so adopted. Ray Pelletier replied that it would make the minutes up to date as of the end of May. Bob Hinden expressed his thanks to the scribes, and Ray Pelletier observed that it was really all Karen O'Donoghue's work. No objection was raised to the minutes, and they were all approved. 1. Liaison Statement Management Tool Work Order The next item was the Liaison Statement Management Tool Work Order. A contract has been established with Yaco for this work. The goal is to port the existing tool to the Django framework, and also to provide for automatic copying of the appropriate parties, to broaden the use of the tool within the IETF community, and to reduce the need for Secretariat intervention in the submission and posting of liaison statements to and from the IETF, based on a Statement of Work originally developed in 2007 and updated in 2010. Work is expected to be complete by September, and when done the source code will belong to the IETF Trust. The cost [CONFIDENTIAL] falls within the IT Capital Investment Budget for 2010. Ray Pelletier offered the following resolution: The IAOC approves Yaco to port and enhance the Liaison Statement Management Tool to Django at a cost of [CONFIDENTIAL] and requests the Internet Society to enter into a Work Order to effect the project. Marshall Eubanks moved, and Bob Hinden seconded, a motion to adopt the resolution. Lynn St. Amour noted that as the IAOC did not believe it appropriate to include confidential financial information in the public minutes, it would entail keeping two copies of the minutes, so that the value is properly recorded somewhere. A roll call vote was taken. Marshall Eubanks [YES] Bob Hinden [YES] Russ Housley [YES] Olaf Kolkman [YES] Lynn St. Amour [YES] Henk Uijterwaal [YES] The motion carried. 3. Calendar 2014 - 2017 Ray Pelletier outlined the efforts to get feedback about the dates for future IETF meetings, and noted that there was little feedback, and that which came indicated no real conflicts. The primary issue was that some of the proposed meeting dates do not have the traditional one week between the IEEE meeting and the IETF meeting. Historically, the week's gap was maintained to avoid people having to travel from one meeting directly to another, or else to choose between the meetings. Marshal Eubanks moved to accept the following meeting dates for planned IETF meetings: 2014 IETF Mar 2 - 7 IETF Jul 20 - 25 IETF Nov 9 - 14 2015 IETF Mar 22 - 27 IETF Jul 19 - 24 IETF Nov 1 - 6 2016 IETF Mar 27 - Apr 1 IETF Jul 17 - 22 IETF Nov 13 - 18 2017 IETF Mar 26 - 31 IETF Jul 16 - 21 IETF Nov 12 - 17 Henk Uijterwaal seconded the motion. Ray Pelletier noted that the IEEE might be unhappy with this result. There was no further discussion. The resolution was put to a roll call vote: Marshall Eubanks [YES] Bob Hinden [YES] Russ Housley [YES] Olaf Kolkman [YES] Lynn St. Amour [YES] Henk Uijterwaal [YES] The motion carried. 4. IANA SLA Update Ray Pelletier reported that this issue was still being considered by the subcommittee. Russ Housley suggested that the only issue was to change text from "IANA/ICANN" to "IANA function as performed by ICANN", and then the text would be acceptable. Ray Pelletier asked whether that would be enough. Bob Hinden said he would prefer to have time to re-read everything, because he had not returned to the topic in some time. Ray determined he would make the change, and then distribute the results on the mailing list for discussion. There is some urgency to this matter because, Russ Housley pointed out, the agreement ought to be signed at the Maastricht IETF meeting. 4a. DNSSEC signing celebration Lynn St. Amour, with apologies, asked to add an item to the agenda at this point because she was about to board a plane. She noted that with the signing of the root and the increasing deployment of DNSSEC, it would be good to have a celebration at the Maastricht IETF meeting of those who contributed to the development and deployment of DNSSEC. She noted that ISOC and perhaps ICANN are willing to contribute to such a celebration, and solicited suggestions. Bob Hinden and Russ Housley expressed support. Olaf Kolkman also expressed support, with the caveat not to encroach on the rest of the meeting's agenda. Russ Housley suggested that a few minutes at a plenary would be appropriate, and that another time outside scheduled meeting time would be a good idea as well. Lynn St. Amour left the meeting. Marshall Eubanks noted that there was still a quorum. Ray Pelletier asked whether there was a request for IASA to support the proposed activity. Russ Housley said that he did not hear that suggestion. No immediate action was taken. 5. IETF 78 Maastricht Update Ray Pelletier reported that the budget called for 1,085 paid attendees, that the current enrollment was 511, and that the trend was towards somewhere around 1,100. He also reported that the NOC will be done by volunteers, and that the circuits were already installed. SIDN and SurfNet split the cost of [CONFIDENTIAL] for the installation. The social event is being sponsored by the Ministry of Economic Affairs, the Province of Limburg, and the Municipality of Maastricht. They have contributed [CONFIDENTIAL]. 6. IETF Meeting Venues Bob Hinden requested this item on the agenda. He attended the ISOC Board of Trustees and the ISOC-ICANN meeting. In both cases, he received a strong message asking for the IETF to hold a meeting in Africa or South America. He reported that he responded with the process for IAOC venue selection: 1. Regional Location Selection a. IAOC to set b. Objectives 1. Advance standards development 2. Facilitate participation by active contributors 3. Encourage new contributors 4. Sharing the travel pain In particular, he observed that the IETF usually aims to go to places convenient for those already contributing, rather than to go to a place in the hope of attracting new contributors. He did hear some acceptance that holding a successful IETF meeting in some of those locations might be hard. One suggestion was that ISOC or ICANN or perhaps both would subsidize an interim working group meeting in one of the target locations. Bob Hinden told them he would take the request back to the community. Marshall Eubanks expressed surprise at the strength of the ISOC and ICANN expressed commitment to this idea, and reminded people of what happened in the case of the planned interim on Malta. Bob Hinden observed that it would have to be well planned in advance, but Marshall Eubanks noted that interims are never planned much in advance. Bob Hinden observed that the pressure might partly be because both organizations have a mandate to try to expand the Internet use, and the two continents are fertile ground for such expansion. Russ Housley invited Bob Hinden to the IESG Tuesday morning breakfast to discuss this topic. 2. IAOC Admin Procedures Update Bob Hinden called Ray's attention to an item that had been skipped on the Agenda. Ray Pelletier reported that he had updated the document and sent it out just before the meeting. People had not had adequate time to review it. He asked whether issues could be resolved on the list and whether the document might come back for adoption on 2010-07-08. He noted there were some substantive changes in it. Bob Hinden asked other members to review within the next week and to discuss on the mailing list. There will likely be an e-vote on this issue. 7. Minutes Procedures Ray reported that the scribes had met and outlined what they believed to be realistic. He reported that 35 days appears to be a realistic publication deadline for the minutes. He observed that volunteers are not professional transcriptionists, and that the desire is to produce just minutes and not also to produce usable detailed notes. He suggested that IAOC meetings could be recorded if there is a desire for a complete record. He said that the expectation must be to provide best efforts at satisfactory minutes in a reasonable timeframe, and that absolute deadlines or really complete transcripts will require other support. He put two questions to the IAOC: 1. Do you really need separate notes and minutes? Are the current minutes sufficient for both? Bob Hinden said that he thought just minutes were required. Both he and Marshall Eubanks expressed uneasiness with recording the meeting, because such a record becomes subject to future subpoena. 2. Do you still feel you want the IAD review prior to the full IAOC review? Bob Hinden said yes. Bob Hinden observed that the need for handling some information confidentially requires two sets of minutes: one for IAOC use and one for the public. With the conclusion of the agenda and no other business, Bob Hinden adjourned the meeting at 15:13 UTC.