IAOC Minutes 2011-06-02 Minutes of the IAOC Call, 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC), Thursday, 02 June 2011 Lynn St. Amour [PRESENT] Eric Burger [PRESENT] Marshall Eubanks [PRESENT] Bob Hinden [PRESENT, Chair] Russ Housley [PRESENT] Ole Jacobsen [PRESENT] Bernard Aboba [PRESENT] Ray Pelletier [PRESENT, IAD] Dave Crocker [PRESENT] Greg Kapfer [PRESENT,Guest] Dave Kessins [PRESENT,Guest] Suresh Krishnan [SCRIBE] The Proposed Agenda for this IAOC meeting was 1. Minutes 2011-04-11 Pending 2011-05-18 Pending 2. Secretariat RFP 3. Secretariat Performance Review 4. IT Status 5. Timezone Database 6. Legal Services Contract 7. IAOC Statement on Privacy 8. IAOC review of 5620bis 9. Differential Income 10. Meeting fee self-sustaining number 11. AOB 1. Minutes ========== Minutes are under review and will be sent to the IAOC shortly. 2. Secretariat RFP ================== The proposals for the secretariat RFP are due by August 8th, 2011. Ray will apprise the IAOC at that point. 3. Secretariat Performance Review ================================= Dave Crocker wanted to know what the process was to resolve the issues raised by AMS. Ray replied that they will be mostly taken care of by Ray and any issues that require IAOC participation will be brought to the IAOC. 4. IT Status ============= Ray presented the status of the IT projects. He mentioned that eight of the projects were completed and nine of them were in progress. The completed projects were: DB Conversion Tools WO # 2 DB Conversion WO # 3 Alternate Streams Specs Requirements IDST Development WG Charter Tool Specs Draft Tracking Community Specs IPR Interface WG & Alt Streams Dev (Front End) The projects in progress were: DB Conversion WO # 4 Back End Specifications Requirements - Last Call RFC Management IETF Meeting Session Management Materials Management Tool XML2RFC Tool Charter Milestone Management Specs Development ID Tracking Tool WG Charter Tool Ray stated that the Back End specifications requirements work was in Last Call and Sandy Ginoza was in discussions regarding this with the IESG. 5. Timezone Database ===================== The timezone database is maintained at NIH by Arthur David Olsen. The IETF has requested ICANN to operate and maintain this as Arthur David Olsen would be retiring soon. There was a confidential discussion regarding this topic. 6. Legal Services Contract =========================== Contract negotiations are nearly complete. The results would be before the IAOC very soon. 7. IAOC Statement on Privacy ============================= Bob mentioned that the IAOC decided to come up with a privacy policy during the recent retreat. He wanted someone to volunteer to take on this work. Marshall volunteered and said he would be willing to work on it. Russ was worried about the IAOC privacy policy work dragging along like Alissa's draft. Bob mentioned that this was not IETF-wide and hence more tractable. Eric mentioned that something along the lines of a retention policy may be more relevant. Lynn believed that specifying a privacy policy for the data collected by the IAOC was absolutely an IAOC issue. She was concerned at why the IAOC was balking at this when we expect the other sites we visit to have one. Russ believed that it was the IETF community that was balking and not the IAOC. Marshall believed that there was a privacy policy already in place but that has not been written down.Lynn believed that the community would like to have a clearly written down privacy policy. Eric mentioned that the privacy policy needs to be worked into the contract with the secretariat and not necessarily an RFC. Marshall and Eric were tasked with providing a draft policy. 8. IAOC review of 5620bis ========================== Bernard mentioned that the IAB last call only provided two reviews (Bernard, Dave T). Much of the discussion had taken place in the rfc-interest list. Dave Crocker did not notice much activity on this in the rfc-interest list either but he was concerned that it would not be possible to reach consensus there. Bernard said that consensus was not necessary since this was an IAB document. Dave C wanted to know why the RSOC could not comment on the document. Bernard mentioned that they could but they had not. Dave C wanted the RSOC to do the legwork for providing input to the IAB at large. Bernard did not want the RSOC to end up defining its own responsibilities. He believed that the role of the RSOC is not defined correctly in the RFC5620 document. Bernard had enough feedback from the IAOC and IAB to do another rev. He will have a new version incorporating IAOC and IAB feedback by IETF 81. He would like to present this at the plenary. Bob wanted to know if there was any internal IAB discussion on the IAOC comments. Bernard mentioned that all IAB comments were also sent to the IAOC and there was nothing further. 9. Differential Income ======================= Greg Kapfer said that he did a study of the registration fees as requested and the costs as described in BCP 101 to determine whether the meetings could be self-sustaining. Greg mentioned that with the current fee, the meeting fees are self-sustaining and the sponsorships go into funding the other activities of the IETF. Dave C wanted to know the confidence level of his conclusion. Greg was pretty confident but he said that that it did not include the cost of soliciting sponsors and the NOC. It did include the time spent by the AMS secretariat staff to support the meeting. Ray mentioned that the number he provided for the secretariat cost was around 110K per meeting. Dave C thought that it was explicit in the current model that the meeting fees provide money for the other non-meeting activities of the IETF and if we were going to change it we needed to consider this carefully. Greg also agreed that this would confuse the sponsors. Ray mentioned that some of the companies on the ISOC platinum contributors list are there due to hosting a meeting. Lynn mentioned that this study was done to understand how much it would cost to run IETF as a standalone entity. She thinks in the future it may also make sense to explore alternate spending like better remote participation etc. Greg mentioned that there would be some additional overhead that would come in if the IETF were to really be incorporated. Greg and Lynn would go away and brainstorm some more about the policy and outreach work that would be possible for the IETF. Bob closed the IAOC meeting at 11:05 am EDT.