IAOC Meeting 2011-09-15 14:00 UTC / 10:00 EST Bernard Aboba [PRESENT] Bob Hinden [PRESENT, Chair] Dave Crocker [PRESENT] Eric Burger [PRESENT] Lynn St. Amour [PRESENT] Marshall Eubanks [PRESENT] Ole Jacobsen [PRESENT] Ray Pelletier [PRESENT, IAD] Russ Housley [PRESENT] Tom Vest [Scribe] Ray Pelletier [Prepared Minutes] Agenda: 1. Minutes 27 July 18 Aug 2. Tools Development Update 3. 2012 Budget 4. RSE Search Update 5. Guest Room Cancellation Provisions 6. Meeting Survey 7. AOB Bob Hinden called the meeting to order at 10:05 am EST. 1. Minutes =========== The minutes for 2011-07-27 were distributed via email in advance of the meeting. Dave Crocker moved, and Bob Hinden seconded a motion to approve the minutes as modified for 2011-07-27. There were no objections, and the minutes were approved. 2. Tools Development Update ================================= Ray gave an update on the budget: Completed: $174k In Work: $125k Awaiting Work: $63k Budget: $429k Forecast: $362k 2. 2012 Budget ================================= Ray gave an update on the draft budget. It is expected the IAOC will be in a position to adopt a budget on 22 September. 3. RSE Search Update ================================= As liaison to the RSOC Ray gave an update on the status of the search. 4. Guest Room Cancellation Provisions ====================================== Ray gave an update on guest room cancellation provisions, typical provision requested and those obtained at Taipei hotels. Guest Room Cancellation Provisions 1. Typical No charge if cancelled up to 3 days prior 1 night's charge if cancelled less than 3 days prior 2. Taipei Hyatt No charge if cancelled up to 7 days prior 1 night's charge if cancelled between 7 and 3 days prior Charge for entire stay if cancelled less than 3 days prior 3. Shangri-La No charge if cancelled up to 72 hours prior Hotel may charge for entire stay if cancelled less than 72 hours 4. Howard No charge if cancelled up to 72 hours prior Hotel may charge for 1 nights stay if cancelled less than 72 hours 5. Info is on meetings website. 6. Meeting Survey ====================================== Quebec survey will be sent out next week. 7. AOB There was no other business. Bob Hinden adjourned the meeting at 11:02 AM ET.