IAOC Meeting 2011-11-07 14:00 UTC / 10:00 EST Bernard Aboba [PRESENT] Bob Hinden [PRESENT, Chair] Dave Crocker [PRESENT] Eric Burger [PRESENT] Lynn St. Amour [PRESENT] Marshall Eubanks [PRESENT] Ole Jacobsen [PRESENT] Ray Pelletier [PRESENT, IAD] Russ Housley [NOT PRESENT] Karen O'Donoghue [SCRIBE] DRAFT Agenda 1. RPS Award. Bob Hinden called the meeting to order at 10:05 am EST. This is a special meeting of the IAOC to reconsider its action on 3 November 2011 awarding the Remote Participation Services (RPS) contract. The reason for this action is because one proposal received by the due date was not reviewed due to an administrative oversight. This meeting is being held to correct that mistake. Ray Pelletier discussed the rationale and process to be used for the meeting and asked if there was a motion to reconsider. Marshall Eubanks moved, and Dave Crocker seconded a motion to reconsider the 3 November 2011 action awarding the RPS contract. Concern was expressed about the rushed nature of the discussion. However, it was felt that the discussion of the proposals should proceed. There is a possibility that within this meeting a clear winner will be obvious, and we can move forward. It is also possible that at the end we won't be comfortable, and at that point we can delay. We should try to stay on schedule if possible. Bob Hinden indicated that we should go through the bids and see where we stand at the end of that discussion. A roll call vote on the motion to reconsider the 3 November 2011 action awarding the RPS contract was taken: Bernard Aboba [YES] Bob Hinden [YES] Dave Crocker [YES] Eric Burger [YES] Lynn St. Amour [YES] Marshall Eubanks [YES] Ole Jacobsen [YES] The motion carried unanimously. Ray Pelletier summarized all the proposals received by the due date. These were narrowed to a smaller set of competitive proposals. Ray then presented a more detailed analysis of each of the competitive proposals including approach and cost. There was an extensive discussion on the various merits of the competitive proposals including the likelihood that they will meet their cost estimates, their background in the topic, and how well their approach is described. In particular, the recommended proposal is quite detailed in describing its approach, addresses bringing the document through the consensus process, and addresses interim meetings. It was noted that any of the competitive proposals would have been acceptable if it had been the only proposal received. Marshall Eubanks moved, and Bob Hinden seconded the following resolution: Whereas Paul Hoffman is qualified to develop the Functional Specifications for Remote Participation Services, has a superior approach to the development of the specifications, and will manage the process through consensus and RFC publication Resolved that the IAOC awards the task of developing the Functional Specifications for Remote Participation Services to Paul Hoffman and requests the Internet Society to enter into a contract for such work at a cost . There was further discussion on the complexity of the remote participation problem space in particular given that we are trying to develop functional specifications and not specify a particular tool. A roll call vote was taken: Bernard Aboba [NO] Bob Hinden [YES] Dave Crocker [NO] Eric Burger [YES] Lynn St. Amour [YES] Marshall Eubanks [NO] Ole Jacobsen [YES] The motion carried by simple majority with four yes votes and three no votes. It was noted that this was not a comfortable motion. It was also noted by those that voted "no" that their votes were not against the winning proposal but against the rushed nature of the process to get to this point. Bob Hinden asked the people who voted "No" if there was anything that would make them more comfortable with the result. There was some discussion about additional information that could have been gathered that would perhaps have made things clearer. There was also discussion about addressing some of the process issues that resulted in this situation. Finally, there was some discussion about a possible Advisory Group to support Paul in his efforts. It was felt that this could be suggested, but it could not be added to the contract at this point in the process. The group agreed to consider timelines for the RFP process more carefully in the future. Bob Hinden thanked everyone for joining the call and acknowledged that it was difficult. The meeting was adjourned at 11:30 AM EST.