IAOC Meeting
2012-03-28 06:40 UTC / 07:40 CEST
Bernard Aboba [NOT PRESENT]
Bob Hinden [PRESENT, Chair]
Dave Crocker [PRESENT]
Eric Burger [PRESENT]
Lynn St. Amour [PRESENT]
Marshall Eubanks [PRESENT]
Ole Jacobsen [PRESENT]
Ray Pelletier [PRESENT, IAD]
Russ Housley [PRESENT]
Karen O'Donoghue [SCRIBE]
David Kessens [GUEST]
Henrik Levkowetz [GUEST]
Scott Bradner [GUEST] (NOTE Ð becomes a member at
Draft IAOC Agenda
IAOC Agenda
1. Minutes
2. IETF89
3. IETF94
5. DB Implementation WO
6. Agenda Tool Update
7. Infrastructure Study WG - Dave
8. Plenary Slides
9. Elect Chairs
10. Bits and Bytes
11. Paris Numbers
12. Dinner
13. AOB
Trust Agenda
1. Trust Slides
2. IRTFLogo
3. RFC 3356bis
4. AOB
Bob Hinden called the meeting to order at 7:40 AM.
1. Minutes
Minutes for 15 March 2012 were distributed to the IAOC
mailing list, and there were extensive comments. Marshall
Eubanks would like to see the edited version prior to
publication. Marshall Eubanks moved and Bob Hinden seconded
a motion to approve the minutes. It was agreed that
Marshall would review the edited minutes prior to public
posting to ensure all the edits were addressed.
2. IETF89
The contract for IETF 89 in London has been executed. The
announcement will be made at tonight's administrative
3. IETF94
The MOU for WIDE as host of IETF94 in Yokohama in Nov 2015
has been received. This announcement will also be made at
the plenary tonight.
Ray Pelletier distributed the IANA SLA. There were modest
changes to the 2011 version to include integration of IANA
into the data tracker. There is new language for
collaboration, and the escalation procedures that were
previously in a stand-alone document are now an Appendix
Lynn St. Amour asked if the SLA has been through IANA. Ray
confirmed that is had been reviewed by IANA.
Russ Housley moved, and Eric Burger seconded a motion to
approve the IANA SLA. Bob Hinden indicated that he had not
had time to read it. The motion was tabled to give members
time to review the document. There will be an e-vote next
week. Russ Housley pointed out that we need a more
formalized flow to meet all the nits in the contract. The
IETF/IANA committee needs to generate a letter accepting
the IANA report.
5. DB Implementation WO
Ray Pelletier provided an update of the DB Implementation
WO. IOLA is under contract to perform development work
through an IDIQ Master Services Agreement (MSA) to advance
the implementation of the Life Cycle Data Tracker. The goal
of this Cleanup-Bug Fix Project is to complete the port of
tools, merge changes, fix bugs, and respond to inquiries of
the PM, the Code Sprint team, and AMS. Henrik Levkowetz is
the PM for the project. The cost is not-to-exceed
, and the project
falls within IT Capital Investment 2012 Budget. The
proposal is recommended by the Tools Management Committee.
Bob Hinden moved, and Marshall Eubanks seconded the
following resolution:
The IAOC approves IOLA to execute the Cleanup-Bug Fix
Project at a cost of not-to-exceed
and requests the Internet
Society to enter into a Work Order to effect the
There was no discussion, and a roll call vote was taken:
Bob Hinden [YES]
Dave Crocker [YES]
Eric Burger [YES]
Lynn St. Amour [YES]
Marshall Eubanks [YES]
Ole Jacobsen [YES]
Russ Housley [YES]
6. Agenda Tool Update
Ray Pelletier provided an update on the Agenda Tool effort.
The IETF Meeting Agenda Creation Tool RFI closed on 27
March. There was only one email in response to the RFI, and
it indicated plans not to bid. The announcement was sent to
IETF lists, scheduling software companies, service
providers, and software companies. The RFI announcement
stated that an RFP is anticipated in April 2012 for a
contract to commence June 2012. The next step is to take
this back to the Tools Management Committee, and they will
provide a recommendation for a way forward to the IAOC on
April 19. We are not ready to do an RFP. The task is
complicated because it involves both the DB portion and the
ability to do complicated scheduling. One possibility is to
break it into two separate efforts that better align with
core competencies of potential bidders.
7. IT update
Ray Pelletier and Henrik Levkowetz provided an update of
the IT Efforts.
The DB Conversion effort went fairly smoothly. There were
more small things to fix than Henrik had hoped, but he has
been able to address most of them. Henrik is happy with the
progress, and we are now in a much better place with
respect to being able to build more solid software going
forward. There is, however, still a big chunk of work to
do, including getting rid of all the code that expects the
proxy layer, and the development of new applications and
functionality. Henrik will be presenting the effort for the
WG Chairs training luncheon later today. The IAOC thanked
Henrik for all the hard work on this effort.
Beyond the DB Conversation activity, the tools awaiting
deployment are the WG Charter tool and the Community ID
Tracking Tool. Current Projects include Charter Milestone
Management Development, Back End Development, Conversion of
Secretariat Tools to new DB Schema, the development of
NomCom Tool Specifications, and Remote Participation
Services Specifications. RFIs issued include Agenda
Scheduling, Mail Archive, and responses are at
ietf-bids.org for privacy.
7. Infrastructure Study WG - Dave
Dave Crocker spoke about the Infrastructure Study. There is
currently no timeline for study. The nature of the task is
to consider choices in hosting IETF services. This is just
to develop criteria to do the evaluation and analysis
regarding what is the superior choice for the IETF. There
is no dissatisfaction with the current solution, but there
is a desire to investigate some opportunities that have
been raised.
8. Plenary Slides
Bob Hinden went over the draft plenary slides he
distributed yesterday. There were a few questions on how to
display in-kind contributions, the display of numbers and a
request to add dates to the venue slides. There was some
discussion about the need to focus on finding hosts sooner
and getting the community engaged in helping get hosts.
9. Elect Chairs
Bob Hinden had been nominated as chair of the IAOC. There
were no additional nominations from the floor. Bob Hinden
was reelected as IAOC Chair by acclamation.
10. Bits and Bites
It is expected that there will be discussion sparked by
Bits and Bytes slide in Bob's plenary report. The community
may have vastly different opinions, and we will have to
consider how to judge consensus. We definitely don't want
an IETF tradeshow.
11. Paris Numbers
This was briefly discussed in the context of the plenary
slides. The Paris numbers are looking excellent.
12. Dinner
Plans for dinner have been distributed.
13. AOB
The IAOC thanked Bob Hinden for his leadership service.
Bob Hinden adjourned the IAOC meeting at 8:47 am.