IAOC Meeting 2013-02-28 -5 UTC / 10:00 EST


Bernard Aboba [PRESENT]
Bob Hinden [PRESENT, Chair]
Dave Crocker [PRESENT]
Scott Bradner [PRESENT]
Lynn St. Amour [PRESENT]
Ole Jacobsen [PRESENT]
Ray Pelletier [PRESENT, IAD]
Russ Housley [PRESENT]
Chris Griffiths [PRESENT]
Jari Arkko [Guest]
Greg Kapfer [Guest]
David Kessens [Guest]
Randy Bush [Guest]
Jewellee Dalrymple [SCRIBE]
IAOC Meeting Agenda


1. Minutes
2. 2012 Budget Results
3. Orlando Update
4. Orlando IAOC Schedule
5. IAOC and Trust Chair Elections in Orlando
6. 2012 IAOC Goals Status
7. Retreat Dates and Location
8. IAOC Sunday Presentation
9. Open Internet Endowment
10. IANA SLA Update
11. AOB

Bob called the meeting to order at 10:07 AM EST.

1. Minutes
The 2013-02-14 minutes are still being reviewed and therefore are not ready for adoption.

2. 2012 Budget Results
Ray reported on the Budget results for 2012.

Revenues exceeded the Budget by $308,000 and Expenses were $222,000 below the budget.

The major contributors to the revenue increase were (i) registration being above budget by $85,000 as a result of significant paid attendance at the Pairs and Vancouver IETF meetings; (ii) sponsorships were $165,000 above the budget, principally the result of the Bits-N-Bites program at the Vancouver and Atlanta IETF meetings; and (iii) higher attendance driving a hotel commission return $58,000 higher than the budget.

Transition, IT maintenance and special project expenses were below budget by almost $140,000; meeting expenses were $35,000 below budget; and RFC Editor services were almost $25,000 under budget.

Tools development costs of $255,000 exceeded by budget by $40,000.

The increase in revenues and reduction in expenses reduced the Internet Society contribution by just less than $500,000 to $1.9 million in 2012.

There was a discussion of recognizing in-kind revenue and expenses in the budget. It was decided to review the matter at the Retreat.

[Greg Kapfer left the call]

3. Orlando Update
Ray gave an update on the Orlando meeting numbers. There were 988 registered, 144 in the last 4 days, of the total registered, 695 have been paid. The paid registration is tracking the Beijing attendance at this time. The budget for the meeting is 1,145 paid attendees. There are 5 Bits-N-Bits (BnB) Sponsors at this time totaling $45,000. They are Huawei, ICANN, Comcast, ISOC, and Nominum. The budget for IETF 86 BnB is $65,000. Ray reported that the shuttle bus contract has been executed to provide transportation for dinner. Round trip to each of the three destinations is 30 minutes and is why there won't be buses for lunch.

Co-hosts, Comcast, and NBC Universal have increased the number of Social Tickets from 700 to 800! The time in the park has been extended 45 minutes and will run from 8:30 to 11:00.

The Caribe Royale is setting up Grab N Gos for lunch. Marcia is working with their staff.

4. Orlando IAOC Schedule
Ray detailed the IAOC schedule and significant events in Orlando:

0930 - 1800 Code Sprint - Grand Sierra A

1100 - 1200 IETF Server Meeting Regents Boardroom
1500 - 1650 IAOC Overview Session Caribbean 6
1600 - 1700 Newcomers’ Meet and Greet (open to Newcomers and WG chairs only) Boca Patio
1700 - 1900 Welcome Reception - Grand Sierra D

1130 - 1300 IETF Protocols Registry Oversight Committee
(IPROC) (Russ, Ray, Bob) - Regents Boardroom
1300 - 1400 Agenda Scheduling Tool Demo - (TMC, Richardson, AMS) Regents Boardroom
1710 - 1740 IAOC Office Hours – Regents Boardroom
1740 - 1940 Technical Plenary Caribbean 3/4 Technical
Topic I: The End of Plain Old Telephone Service (POTS) (60 Minutes)
Speaker: Henning Schulzrinne, Chief Technical
Officer, US Federal Communications Commission

2000 - 2300 Universal Studios - Wizarding World of Harry Potter

0730 - 0900 IAOC & Trust Breakfast Meeting - Regents Boardroom
1130 - 1300 RFC Editor Streams Lunch (Russ, Bob, Ole, Ray) - Room TBD
1710 - 1740 IAOC Office Hours - Regents Boardroom
1740 - 2010 Administrative Plenary Caribbean 3/4
Administrative and Management Plenary
1. Welcome
2. Host Presentation
3. Reporting

  • IETF Chair
  • IAOC Chair and IAD
  • IETF Trust Chair
  • NomCom Chair

4. Recognition
5. Thank Outgoing IAB, IAOC, and IESG Members
6. Outgoing IETF Chair Comments
7. Incoming IETF Chair Comments
8. Introduce Incoming IAOC Members
9. IAOC Open Mic
10. Introduce Incoming IESG Members
11. IESG Open Mic
2030 - 2300 IAOC DINNER - Location TBD

1130 - 1300 RSOC Lunch (Bob, Ray, Ole) - TBD
1900 - 2100 Bits-N-Bites Grand Sierra D

0900 - Operations Review Wrap Up Meeting - Regents Boardroom

People can sign up for the room for meetings that might be needed by going to the private Wiki. Ray will send out specific details on how to do that.

5. IAOC and Trust Chair Elections in Orlando
Ray reported on the procedures for the election of the IAOC and Trust Chairs.

The IAOC Chair eligibility is in RFC 4017 BCP 101 where it states:

4. IAOC Membership, Selection and Accountability
The members of the IAOC shall select one of its "appointed" voting members to serve as the chair of the IAOC.
The term of the IAOC chair shall be for one year from the time of selection or the remaining time of his or her tenure on the IAOC, whichever is less.
An individual may serve any number of terms as chair, if selected by the IAOC.
Voting ex-officio members include ISOC President and CEO, IETF Chair and IAB Chair.
Nominations are now open and will close at the face-to-face meeting in Orlando. The IAOC will go into executive session. The nominees will leave the room and the IAOC will discuss the nominees, then vote by secret ballot. There will be a further discussion about any guidance to provide the Chair.
The nominees return, the IAD announces the result. An IAOC member will review the guidance with the Chair. The outgoing Chair makes the IAOC report at Wednesday Plenary and introduces the new Chair who assumes office at Plenary upon introduction.


The Trustees

A. Eligibility
Administrative procedures of the IETF Trust Amended and adopted 4-17-08

2. The Trustees shall select one Trustee to serve as the Chair of the Trust.

a. Trustees eligible to serve as Trust Chair are the NomCom, IESG and IAB appointees to the IAOC.
b. The term of the Trust Chair shall be one year from the time of selection or the remaining time of his or her tenure as a Trustee, whichever is less. An individual may serve any number of terms as Chair, if selected by theTrustees.

B. Process:

i. Nominations open 2 weeks before March IETF Meeting and closes just before beginning of Meeting week;
ii. Election held at Meeting Trust meeting; IAD chairs
iii. Nominees vote then leave room
iv. Discussionì pros, cons, guidance to chair
v. Vote by secret ballot if contested
vi. Nominees return, IAD announces result
vii. Discussion guidance to chair by voting IAOC member
viii. Incoming Chair effective immediately

The outgoing Chair:

A. Makes the Trust report at Wednesday Plenary
B. Introduces the new Chair

If anyone is interested in nominating someone or self nominating, it will be taken up during Wednesday morning of the IETF meeting. Nominations are currently open.

6. 2012 IAOC Goals Status
Ray said it was time to review the IAOC 2012 goals that it adopted last July and to begin thinking about IAOC goals
for 2013. Ray said he would work with the Chair to prepare a draft and that it was a likely topic for the Retreat.

7. Retreat Dates and Location
Ray reported that the Retreat Poll resulted in 30 April to 1 May 2013.

Bob suggested venues in San Francisco, Seattle, or if someone has a place to sponsor the meeting on the West Coast.

San Francisco is preferred because of non-stop flights to San Francisco. Meetings held outside someone's office helps
keep the group together. Any other suggestions for other locations should be sent to the list. The dates allow for
folks to travel on Monday and to go to the IESG and IAB retreats in Dublin the following week.

8. IAOC Sunday Presentation
The IAOC will make a presentation on Sunday in Orlando to provide an overview of the IAOC to those who are
interested. Bob will have slides to share early next week. The three major topics are the structure of the IAOC, how
the financials work, and meeting planning, given the recent discussion on the list.

9. Open Internet Endowment
Lynn gave an update on the Internet Society's Open Internet Endowment. Lynn will release a written report in the next
few weeks. Vint has signed on as an honorary cochair. There is a brochure that is near to completion so we
have something to talk from. It's being tightened up and once done we'll get that back out to the IAOC.

Lynn said we've also looked into options for getting the endowment recognized internationally. A more complete
update will be given at the Retreat.

10. IANA SLA Update
Ray gave an update on the 2013 IANA Service Level Agreement (SLA).

There are some proposed changes:

i. Change name of oversight group,
ii. revises Datatracker integration schedule and
iii. ICANN can author RFCs in a consensus process. There is discussion about a possible change having to do with periodic audits of the function. If the SLA changes are ready the IAOC may be able to approve it in Orlando.

The point about authoring RFCs is that sometimes the IANA sees thing happening because they're running the
registration process, where it's not going as well as desired they can make suggestions. This is a request to be
a participant.

11. AOB
David Kessens noted that this will be his last meeting and he thanked everyone for allowing his participation. He
doesn't intend to participate in any further IAOC functions.

Bob adjourned the IAOC meeting at 10:48 AM EST.