This is an archived webpage. For current information about the IETF administrative arrangements, see the IETF Administration LLC website.

About IASA and the IAOC

The IETF Administrative Oversight Committee (IAOC) carries out the responsibilities of the IASA supporting the Internet Engineering Steering Group (IESG), Working Groups, Internet Architecture Board (IAB) and the Internet Research Task Force (IRTF) and Steering Groups (IRSG). The IAOC oversees the work of the IETF Administrative Director (IAD) who has the day-to-day operational responsibility of providing the fiscal and administrative support through other activities, contractors and volunteers.  Please send email to to communicate with the IAOC.

RFC 4071 provides the structure and guidance for the IASA, IAOC and IAD. The IASA structure is designed to ensure accountability and transparency of the IETF administrative and fiscal activities to the IETF community. The IAOC shall be accountable to the IETF community for the effectiveness, efficiency, and transparency of the IASA.

The IASA site is designed to provide the IETF community with transparency into the fiscal and administrative activities of the IAOC. We welcome your feedback. Suggestions should be addressed to the IAD at

Founding Documents (RFCs)


IAOC Meeting Schedule & Office Hours

The IAOC conducts a conference call on the first and third Thursday of each month.

Office hours are during the 1610-1700 periods before the plenary sessions on Monday and Wednesday at each IETF Meeting.



     Last Updated 28 August 2018