IAOC Meeting 2013-06-06 10:00 EDT

Jari Arkko [PRESENT]
Scott Bradner [ABSENT]
Randy Bush [ABSENT]
Chris Griffiths [PRESENT]
Bob Hinden [PRESENT, Chair]
Russ Housley [PRESENT]
Ole Jacobsen [PRESENT]
Ray Pelletier [PRESENT, IAD]
Lynn St. Amour [PRESENT]

Jewellee Dalrymple [SCRIBE]

IAOC Meeting Agenda

1. Minutes


2. South America

List Feedback
Survey Results
Next Steps
3. Berlin Update
Guest Room Network
4. Goals & Retreat Actions
5. Committees
Charters Status
IAOC Report
6. AOB

Bob called the meeting to order at 10:02 AM EDT.

1. Minutes
The 2013-04-18 minutes are ready for adoption with minor modifications noted on the list.

Bob moved, and Russ seconded a motion to approve the 2013-04-18 as modified on the list.

Without objection, the minutes were approved.

2. South America
Bob reported on the survey results and list feedback.

As of this date the survey had 642 responses, which is more than any other survey we have done and above 50% of the number of people who usually attend an IETF meeting.
The unfiltered data has 3/4ths of people who responded said they were likely or very likely to attend. There are a high proportion of the people who are from South America.

The unfiltered data has 3/4ths of people who responded said they were likely or very likely to attend. There are a high proportion of the people who are from South America.

Filtered for active participants such as Authors, WG Chairs, members of the IAOC or IESG then you still end up with a pretty high number of those and there were about 26 people from the general region, which is consistence with the regional attendance numbers we’ve been tracking.

It looks like more people would attend South America than would attend Yokohama. From the numbers it’s clear we’d have a good number of participants. This eliminates all reasons not to go.

Then we get into some of the issues that were raised and the first of those was if the goal is to increase diversity then it’s not sufficient to have a single IETFF meeting. That’s correct. We are in discussions with ISOC to see if it's willing to support events in South America. That will need to be announced as part of the IAOC’s response to the Community. That should resolve a lot of that issue.

Ole added we should consider two things – some info about when the IAOC thinks this will happen and related to that is perhaps the question of how often we might, thinking about going to that part of the world, we’re at the stage of considering this as a one-off. The IAOC should have some statement about the anticipated frequency.

Lynn will send a summary of the events and meetings that ISOC will sponsor in the region. It would be a mix of increasing the IETF fellows from the region and a series of local meetings about IETF technologies, deployment approaches, general information on how the IETF works, and how to participate. We should think about how this might be measured in terms of whether participation was increased.

Ray stated he hoped the IAOC could reach a decision selecting a venue before Berlin to keep the 3 Year Venue Selection Plan on track.

We know that there will be good attendance at a meeting in Buenos Aires and that most active participants will attend. Or at least at a similar rate as they attend other IETF meetings.

3. Berlin Update
Ray gave an update on the meeting in Berlin to date.

Registered: 414
Paid: 130

Paid registrations trending above all recent meetings.

1st IETF: 94
NomCom: 1


Declined: 71 17%
Female: 50 12%
Male: 292 71%

102 Attending Applying IP Flow Information Export (IPFIX) to Network Measurement and Management

90 Attending Multipath TCP

Ray identified the Sponsors for the Meeting.
Platinum DENIC
Gold EURid
Reception EURid
Ice Cream Adva

NOC - In work

Bits-N-Bites - ISOC, so far. Others pending.

Still light with regard to the NOC – about $150k short there. There are a number of folks in work for Bits-N-Bites. John, Drew and Emma are pursuing several pending sponsors. The target for Bits-N-Bites was $75k. There are no executed MoUs on Bits-N-Bites as yet.

Bob raised some concern that the IAOC is behind with the rest of the sponsorship for Berlin and it looked like Bits-N-Bites isn’t meeting its numbers – trying to raise visibility – and hasn’t heard back so he’s a bit concerned that the IAOC isn’t going to make the numbers.

Jari will reach out to Drew regarding a company. Lynn will follow up for a general update on the next two meetings.

Discussions between the senior tech person and Jim Martin at the InterContinental hotel have been had. The end result will be a normal IETF guest room network. This is a good thing. The InterContinental was more than agreeable. There’s language in the contract that speaks to this, but Jim has to make them comfortable. Deutsch Telecom is providing the circuits.

DENIC is hosting the Social at the German Museum of Technology, will be 500 tickets, an attendee and one guest limit, for $30 USD. Looks like a great venue.

4. Goals and Retreat Action Timeline
Ray gave an update on the IAOC Goals, IAD Goals and San Francisco Retreat action items.

2013 IAOC Goals Update

The IAOC goals are located online at: http://iaoc.ietf.org/documents/2013-IAOC-Goals.pdf

1. The Subcommittee is working with AMS to move the IETF servers to a CoLo. Bob expects things to move faster now with some questions answered.

2. Ray is preparing some introductory materials for the IAOC website makeover and then it will be complete enough to submit back to the Committee for review. AMS has begun work on the Trust site modeled after changes to the IAOC site. No changes have been made to the IAOC private wiki.

3. The IAOC needs to take action this year to issue RFPs or extend existing contracts. During the Budget adoption process last year it was concluded that funding for transitions to new vendors would not be needed as all contractors were performing at a level warranting extensions. The IAOC has approved extending the Legal Services contract with Contreras Legal Strategy LLC. The RFC Production Center and RFC Publisher are under consideration by the IAOC Selection Committee chaired by the RFC Series Editor and consisting of two members each of the RSOC and IAOC, plus the IAD. The RFC Series Editor contract is under RSOC review in Berlin. The Secretariat contract is going to the IAOC RFP committee.

4. The IAOC, responding to community suggestions, is considering possibly locating an IETF meeting in South America.

5. The Tools Management Committee is overseeing completion of NomCom Tools, Agenda Scheduling Tool, and Mail Search and Archive Tool. The TMC has for action to develop a plan to update the IETF and RFC-Editor tools to take advantage of the new server redundancy and begin implementation.

6. A Statement of Work is being developed for RFC Format Tool(s) by RSOC for the TMC to provide input on. RSOC is reviewing suggestions from Heather regarding what the statement of work should be.

7. Transition to a new Datatracker Project Manager is mostly completed.

8. The RPS Chair, Bernard Abbo is leading an effort to evaluate Jitsi and coordinate Meetecho experiments in Berlin.

9. The IAOC wants to explore additional revenue to support the IETF. At this point the effort is not formally organized, although initiative is underway.

Jari questioned the goal. Is this about creating completely new initiatives? It appears to be additional revenue streams. This should be formalized. In the pastit was formalized between individuals and it would be useful to set this up as a Committee with a charter. Lynn would be happy to help and be on the Committee. At the IAOC's retreat, the IAOC discussed with Lynn St.Amour about having an ISOC senior staff member participate in the IAOC as a guest to help with the upcoming ISOC CEO transition and concluded it this was a good idea. Lynn announced that Leslie Daigle would be the ISOC guest. Bob and Jari are also interested.

Lynn said that in the past the IAOC did some studies that looked at where the value is from the IETF’s work. A lot of different approaches were taken and maybe the IAOC can dust of some of those approaches that would result in financial support of the IETF. Chris volunteered for the committee.

Ray then reported on the status of the IAD goals for 2013 concerning contractor performance, tools development, community communications and non-deadline tasks.

Ray reported on the 27 action items from the San Francisco Retreat.

A. Define subcommittee process - Ray draft to IAOC Status: Work with subcommittees has begun

Subcommittees have been developing charters and it’s going well. Will have the charters available for adoption shortly by the IAOC.

B. Metrics for IAOC 2013 Goals - Ray draft to IAOC Status: Underway

C. Tools update at plenary: 2-3 slides summarizing progress on tools, data tracker, etc.; Status: Bob will include in IAOC plenary talk.

Bob is going to include them in the IAOC plenary talk.

D. Do Sponsorship study?
Status: RFP committee to review SOW being developed by Ray and Drew

E. Developing 2013 IAOC Goals - Done
Publish online - Done

F. Full cost to run the IETF (include all ISOC activities)
(Ray to work with Greg and present to Budget Committee)
Status: In work

G. "In Kind" Principals / guidelines
Ray work with Greg Kapfer, present to Budget Committee
Status: Done

H. Publish IAOC venue selection criteria - Ray
Current text needs rewrite including more explanatory text. Send to IAOC for review Status: Work begun but not completed. Will bring to 8 July Meetings Committee.

The last iteration of a document begun by Chris will be delivered to the Meetings committee and then to the IAOC.

J. Develop proposal for local transcription support for Plenaries - Ray
Status: In work
ICANN uses remote transcribing
IEEE does not use
ISOC uses company in Colorado

K. Bob write draft on South America question to the community - IAOC review
Status: Done

L. Ray: Find expert to review meeting survey questions Status: Ray is in contact with a company ISOC uses out of the UK and will begin discussions.

M. ISOC chair role in IAOC. Lynn to suggest "guest" to attend IAOC calls and meetings. Alternate participation needs additional discussion.
Status: Done

N. Bob to send colocation plan / requirements to IAOC
Status: Pending

The plan was sent some time ago but it’s still being worked through with AMS. The last iteration will be completed shortly and then AMS can send the details of what they’re doing.

O. Ray to work with Lynn and Greg on clarifying financial reporting in the IAOC communication plan
Status: This work will be done by the Finance Committee. Chris and Ray will report to them shortly.

P. What is the correct financial reporting period? – Finance Committee
Status: 2013 Budget Process and Calendar is in preparation

A draft is being prepared and a bit more work will be done today and then the Finance Committee will review.

Q. Update minutes publication in communication plan - Ray
Status: Pending

R. Ray will propose changes to IAOC communications plan Status: Committees to propose changes under their portfolio; Ray the balance

S. Announce to IETF-Announce and IETF87-all about IAOC Sunday overview, discussion time afterwards, and IAOC office.
Status: July to do

T. Bob to talk to about "Permanent Comp"

U. Write a registration comp policy and post on IAOC site - Ray
Finance Committee review
Status: Prepare for 25 June Finance Cmte

V. Capture capital costs and depreciation - Greg For Finance Committee review.

Greg has been notified of the requirement for this and the IAOC will review.

W. Review how Cisco and Juniper will select meetings to host under their multi-year agreements with the IETF Ray is in contact with Drew. Drew is discussing options with Cisco and Juniper.

X. Define IAOC goals for 2014 in December 2013 - Ray
Item has been scheduled

Y. Review IAOC goals for 2013 in November 2013 - Ray
Item has been scheduled

Z. IAOC to discuss longer meeting in Vancouver. 2-4 hours in length. Saturday before or after IETF meeting days.
Will discuss after Berlin.

AA. Review charters of subcommittees - Ray prepare Underway with each subcommittee.

4. Committees

Ray said the topic was discussed during the San Francisco Retreat action items.

4. AOB

At the IAOC's retreat, the IAOC discussed with Lynn St.Amour about having an ISOC senior staff member participate in the IAOC as a guest to help with the upcoming ISOC CEO transition and concluded it this was a good idea. Lynn announced that Leslie Daigle would be the ISOC guest.

Bob adjourned the IAOC meeting at 11:10 AM EDT.