IAOC Committees
The role of an IAOC Committee is to develop materials and make recommendations for IAOC decisions. Chair and membership in committees is constituted annually (typically at the IAOC meeting at the first IETF meeting of a calendar year, when IAOC membership terms come up).
Committee Chairs are responsible for setting up discussion within the committees, managing discussion to conclusion, including setting agendas for committee meetings. Chairs are responsible to report to the IAOC on progress, issues, and recommendations for IAOC decision (including whatever information is necessary to give the IAOC context for making the decision).
The IAOC has 3 Standing Committees:
1. Finance Committee
2. Legal Committee
3. Venue Review Committee
Finance Committee Charter
Approved 20 June 2013
The IETF Administrative Oversight Committee (IAOC) adopts an annual budget and three-year financial
outlook for the IETF, which it recommends to the Internet Society Board of Trustees for approval of the
Society's level of support, and for incorporation in the Internet Society budget and two-year outlook.
The Finance Subcommittee of the IAOC provides detailed support to the IAOC in financial matters in order
accurately and transparently report the state of IETF finances to the community.
Finance Subcommittee Roles and Responsibilities:
- Adopt a budget process and calendar for the year
- Develop and recommend an annual budget and three-year financial outlook to the IAOC
- Review periodic financial statements of activities of the IETF
- Review and communicate periodic forecasts to the IAOC and to ISOC
- Ensure proper transparency for financial matters to the IETF community
- Review and recommend financial-related portions of the IAOC Communications Plan
- The Finance Subcommittee shall report to the IAOC monthly unless circumstances dictate that the IAOC
be informed sooner.
The mailing list for this committee is: iaoc-finance@ietf.org
- Lou Berger, Chair
- Alissa Cooper
- Leslie Daigle
- Charles Eckel
- Tobias Gondrom
- Kaveh Ranjbar
- Michael Richardson
- Sandy Spector, ISOC CFO
- Portia Wenze-Danley
Legal Committee Charter
Approved 30 June 2016
A. Background
The IAOC contracts for IETF Counsel and for outside counsel as required. The IAOC also approves a budget and expenditures for legal activities.
The Legal Committee (LC) on behalf of the IAOC receives subpoenas and other legal requests, and through the IAD, supervises the IETF counsel, directs outside counsel as required, and recommends a budget for legalactivities.
B. Legal Management Committee Roles and Responsibilities
1. IETF Counsel
The LC, through the IAD, is responsible for the management of the IETF Counsel and of any additional legal services performed for the IETF. From time to time the LC will develop an RFP for IETF Legal Services. The LC will evaluate responses to such a RFP and recommend a Counsel to the IAOC for approval. The LC will develop and maintain a statement of work (SOW) as well as a contract for the IETF Counsel. The LC will recommend the SOW and the contract to the IAOC for approval. Coordinated by the IAD, the LC will manage the relationship with the IETF Counsel, perform an annual evaluation of the Counsel and report to the IAOC on the performance of the Counsel.
The LC may also develop SOWs and work orders for specific legal services, to be performed by the IETF Counsel or by another party, and recommend the approval of such SOWs and work orders to the IAOC.
2. Subpoenas and Legal Requests
The LC will develop and maintain descriptions of the procedures to be followed by the IAOC to respond to subpoenas and legal requests directed to IETF-related entities and activities including the IETF, IAB, IESG, IRSG, IRTF, RFC Editor and Independent Stream Editor. The LC will recommend the adoption of these procedures by the IAOC.
In consultation with the IETF Counsel, the LC will review any subpoenas and legal requests that are received and, through the IAD, direct action as it deems appropriate to respond to the subpoena and legal requests. The LC will regularly inform the IAOC of the existence and status of any such activities.
The LC shall recommend a fee structure for the fulfilling of subpoenas and legal requests to the IAOC for adoption.
3. Other IETF Legal Issues
Through the IAD, the LC shall coordinate responses to IETF requests for legal review of documents, processes or participation in discussions.
4. Budget for IETF Legal Activities
The LC shall recommend an annual budget for legal activities to the IAOC. The LC shall recommend any extraordinary legal expenditures that the LC feels are needed to the IAOC.
5. Transparency
The LC shall report actions taken to the IAOC at the next scheduled IAOC meeting unless circumstances dictate that the IAOC be informed sooner.
The LC shall ensure proper transparency for legal matters. The LC shall also review and recommend legal-related portions of the IAOC Communications Plan.
The LC shall ensure the maintenance of a public listing of all legal activities.
C. Related Information
Subpoenas and Legal Requests can be found here: http://iaoc.ietf.org/legal-requests.html
Mailing List: legal@ietf.org
D. Members:
- Brad Biddle, IAOC & IETF Counsel
- Alissa Cooper
- Leslie Daigle
- David Frolio, ISOC Counsel
- Joseph Lorenzo Hall
- Joel Halpern
- Ted Hardie
- John Levine, Chair
- Kaveh Ranjbar
- Wendy Seltzer
- Stephan Wenger
- Portia Wenze-Danley
- David Wilson, IAOC & IETF Counsel
Other parties are consulted as needed.
Venue Review Committee
Approved 22 February 2018 to be effective as of IETF 101
The Venue Review Committee provides support to the professional meeting staff to ensure that venues selected for IETF meetings are tuned to IETF community requirements. This includes:
- reviewing and providing input to the IETF meeting calendar (based on the planned IETF meeting schedule and general geography)
- ensuring there is an up to date public resource with structured information about potential cities and venues (e.g., which cities have been reviewed and seem reasonable, which are off the table because of lack of appropriate meeting venue, etc) and accepting community input in maintaining the information
- reviewing possible meeting cities and venues with the Secretariat staff and NOC lead; providing the IAOC with any appropriate feedback where its attention may be needed as regards the meeting requirements laid out in draft-ietf-mtgvenue-iaoc-venue-selection-process.
- reviewing community feedback on proposed venues and contributing to the meeting proposal package that is prepared for approval.
The number and general geographic layout of IETF meetings is decided elsewhere. The overall meeting requirements are laid out in draft-ietf-mtgvenue-iaoc-venue-selection-process.
See Venue Selection Roles and Processes for more detail on the parties and processes of venue selection.
The Venue Review Committee shall report to the IAOC monthly unless circumstances dictate that the IAOC be informed sooner.
Mailing list: iaoc-venue-review@ietf.org
Lou Berger
Glenn Deen, Chair
Avri Doria
Bob Hinden
Eliot Lear
Jim Martin
Andrew Sullivan
Sam Weiler
Kirsten Machi
Stephanie McCammon
Alexa Morris
Laura Nugent
Portia Wenze-Danley