This is an archived webpage. For current information about the IETF administrative arrangements, see the IETF Administration LLC website. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The IETF Budget - 2003 Page last updated: July 16, 2003 The IETF budget is set in a discussion between the IETF Secretariat and the IETF leadership. The numbers below are our estimates for 2003; in accordance with the expressed opinion of the IESG plenary at the San Francisco IETF, activities and meeting fees have been adjusted to the point where the budget is very nearly in balance. The secretariat and the IETF leadership continue to discuss the matter of other sources of revenue. In addition to the numbers here, ISOC has budgeted 600.000 dollars for the RFC Editor, 20.000 dollars for the IAB expenses, 60.000 dollars for the IETF Chair's discretionary funds, and 20.000 dollars for insurance & others things - total 700.000
Notes The salaries for 2003 are estimated for 9.33 full time equivalents. |
Last Updated 28 August 2018 |